Invisible Empire - A New World Order Defined -Full-

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
wow you showed up in eight minutes. glad to see that being scientific doesn't require so many hours. no wonder you build your profile around insulting. I might be resentful too.
wow you showed up in eight minutes. glad to see that being scientific doesn't require so many hours. no wonder you build your profile around insulting. I might be resentful too.
You call it insulting. I call it teaching individuals that have been let down by the public education system. You're not really helping the 68iq meme by linking and believing conspiracies. Was it the pesky jews again?

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
you even make your profile about me while it wouldn't cross my mind to make mine about you. always good to see a devoted fan. dm me about sending money over paypal if you want an official t-shirt and coffee mug.

