Yup. Religion in this world is not what it is cut out to be. Certain groups of people are working together to hold the majority. Looks like their losing this war.
Its easy to make money from some one who is broken morally, spiritually and emotionally. Religion is used against Somalis wlhi.
They don't even realize it
My idea of 'stocism' is the chinese ppl, i wish we adopted their mentality where nothing 'shocks' u and all that matters is a 'financial benefit' and run back to china with it. I wish we had some aspects of that mind-set, MAO engrained that into them thru education saying 'waxba haka nixina' always keep focused on the 'prize' not the obstacles. If we 10 million Somalis with the same mind-set out nation wud THRIVE, but sheikhs weaken them with 'morality' which makes them think twice if someone is right or wrong when all that counts is a 'fa'ido' be it financial, knowledge, etc. They sit with muslims sxb discussing allah this and that while their ppl are dying, misplaced priorities wallahi