Interesting facts I learned reading about Barbary pirates

My paternal grandma’s family were crazy. I can never judge whites for slavery or racism. A racist Berber makes Neo-nazis look like Gary Owens. Here’s some facts I learned about them:
1. The word for white slaves was galley. They were were at sea for around eighty to a hundred days a year, but when the slaves assigned to them were on land, they were forced to do hard manual labor.
During this time, rowers were shackled and chained where they sat, and never allowed to leave. Sleeping (which was limited), eating, defecation and urination took place at the seat to which they were shackled. There were usually five or six rowers on each oar. Overseers would walk back and forth and whip slaves considered not to be working hard enough.
2. They also conducted raids along seaside towns of Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, England, the Netherlands and as far away as Iceland, capturing men, women and children.
We didn’t discriminate against color or religion. They enslaved other Muslims, just to piss Arabs off.

3. To my grandma and most amazigh believe that they’re doing God’s work and it’s was their duty to civilize the sinners. I honestly thought they were just going around the world preaching, until a couple Bantu and Irish folks told me the truth.

4.The United States had to help Europe to get rid off my crazy granny and African Muslim nazi family. It was between 1801-1815, USA and the Sicilian waged war on us. The reason why the USA founded the United States Navy in March 1794 was fight them.

It’s ironic that caadans and maadows fight over North Africa, when we treated everyone like dogshit.
I hope I get some representation in the new Pirates in the Caribbean movie. They got Bantu voodoo infidel lady in it. It ain’t fair, damn it.
Barbary pirates where acc Turkish ruled republics and the area they ruled are the Arabic coasts, not the Amazigh hinterland

