Interesting facts about albinism


Coping through the 1st world
Albinism (Hypopigmentation/Albinos) is a genetic disorder characterized by the complete or partial absence of pigment called melanin in the skin, hair, and eyes. It is also known as hypo-pigmentation or ocular albinism.

People who are affected by albinism are called albinos. Lack of skin pigmentation makes albinos more susceptible to sunburn and skin cancers

In Somalia: (though it’s rare to get one) they’re more likely to get sun burns and probable skin cancer due to Somalia’s hot weather climate

Here’s quick pick of Somalis with albinism:



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Coping through the 1st world
Here’s the list of the facts that I’ve found on the web:

It’s a rare trait

It is a very rare disorder, and thereby it is estimated that only 1 in 20,000 people are born with albinism every year

There are four different types of albinism, but a particular form known as ocular albinism type 1 has been estimated to affect at least 1 in 60,000 males, as it is found to be inherited in an X-linked pattern

Issues that involves in getting albinism:

People suffering from albinism also tend to have a number of eye problems including impaired vision (even after wearing glasses), photophobia (sensitivity to light) and may even demonstrate involuntary movements of the eye.

Probable cause

Genetic mutations are believed to be the main cause of albinism

Risk in getting albinism

Infants suffering from albinism may initially appear slower than other infants due to visual problems, but they later develop the ability to cope.

Individuals suffering from albinism tend to have extremely sensitive skin, which is why they are at a greater risk of developing skin cancer

There’s the link if wanna read the rest:

Must Know Facts About Albinism


Coping through the 1st world
All albinos descend from the most pure stock of romans.

There was a racist jokes I’ve heard about Albinos that were directed to the cadaans.

I’ve heard people say: they were the true descendants of the whites race or that’s how whites people originated through mutations.

While the blacks are the original race of humans.

They have said this because of their dominant traits and features.



♚Sargon of Adal♚
There was a racist jokes I’ve heard about Albinos that were directed to the cadaans.

I’ve heard people say: they were the true descendants of the whites race or that’s how whites people originated through mutations.

While the blacks are the original race of humans.

They have said this because of their dominant traits and features.

No, that's not true, you can find albinos in Europeans, Asian, Africans etc, the gene for light skin only developed in humans recently.

Though Neanderthals also had light skin in colder climates, I doubt we inherited that from them, from my understand lighter skin developed due to lack of vitamin D from the sun and food, so if you expose someone to the same condition it bound to develope.

It's a certain mutation found around the world, SLC24A5, it's also found in Somalis due an ancient back migration.
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Coping through the 1st world
No, that's not true, you can find albinos in Europeans, Asian, Africans etc, the gene for light skin only developed in humans recently.

It's a certain mutation found around the world, SLC24A5, it's also found in Somalis due an ancient back migration.

Yeah I know it was a joke that I’ve heard from those crowds.

Lol sometimes I can’t tell if a person from a Nordic ancestry has albino. Their features are hard to tell sometimes. Some albinos can easily pass of as nordics.