In Defence of Mercury

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Etacovda S'lived

תחיה מדינת ישראל
Men who leave their families when they need them most are truly the scourge of the earth. Their kids miss out on an opportunity to know and love their dad, and the wife is betrayed and left alone raising kids and feeding them.

Clearly men who fall into this category are an embarrassment to the males of our species. There are a few proponents of this deadbeat culture on sspot, @Cognitivedissonance being chief among them . I would like to throughly condemn him and all others who espouse the same nonsense. They are so brazen that they attack @Mercury, arguably one the few responsible Somali dads in the world.

But there is a problem I need to address which is the subject of this thread. You see, Mercury is not the exact opposite of the pro-deadbeat father side. Unfortunately he takes it a bit too far to the point I disagree with him.

In his universe, anything that goes wrong is the man’s fault, thereby removing any responsibility or accountability of the female counterpart. This inevitably leads to the woman taking advantage of you and taking liberties. If you don’t set obvious red lines, she will walk all over you. People are like that. Give them an inch and they’ll want a mile. @Mercury seems to not mind this lifestyle. He thinks any disagreement or line in the sand is a major no no.

I hereby call on @Mercury to change his naivety and wickedness and grow a spine. I know your intentions are good but cmon sxb.
That is not true. My fiance is like Mercury in that he told me he will cook and clean which is so unlike my ex. I cherish him just because he believes that. I work 50 hours a week and I need a break from chores and my mother is getting too old to do them. All men need to be like Mercury if their wife works full time.

Etacovda S'lived

תחיה מדינת ישראל
That is not true. My fiance is like Mercury in that he told me he will cook and clean which is so unlike my ex. I cherish him just because he believes that. I work 50 hours a week and I need a break from chores and my mother is getting too old to do them. All men need to be like Mercury if their wife works full time.
You should stay home and let him work. Care for the children and house chores. I’m a mid forties man whose never left Europe but I am finally getting in touch with my roots.


I dare u to show yourself.
That is not true. My fiance is like Mercury in that he told me he will cook and clean which is so unlike my ex. I cherish him just because he believes that. I work 50 hours a week and I need a break from chores and my mother is getting too old to do them. All men need to be like Mercury if their wife works full time.
You expect your mom to cook and clean for YOUR family?
After all those years of raising your dead beat ass you expect her to do the same for your husband and children?

That thought never crossed my mind. For my hooyo to cook for my family thats the time she should be relaxing and traveling the planet.

You are truly khasaaro. You cant even raise your family.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Men who leave their families when they need them most are truly the scourge of the earth. Their kids miss out on an opportunity to know and love their dad, and the wife is betrayed and left alone raising kids and feeding them.

Clearly men who fall into this category are an embarrassment to the males of our species. There are a few proponents of this deadbeat culture on sspot, @Cognitivedissonance being chief among them . I would like to throughly condemn him and all others who espouse the same nonsense. They are so brazen that they attack @Mercury, arguably one the few responsible Somali dads in the world.

But there is a problem I need to address which is the subject of this thread. You see, Mercury is not the exact opposite of the pro-deadbeat father side. Unfortunately he takes it a bit too far to the point I disagree with him.

In his universe, anything that goes wrong is the man’s fault, thereby removing any responsibility or accountability of the female counterpart. This inevitably leads to the woman taking advantage of you and taking liberties. If you don’t set obvious red lines, she will walk all over you. People are like that. Give them an inch and they’ll want a mile. @Mercury seems to not mind this lifestyle. He thinks any disagreement or line in the sand is a major no no.

I hereby call on @Mercury to change his naivety and wickedness and grow a spine. I know your intentions are good but cmon sxb.
What gave you the impression that I am a proponent of deadbeat dad culture? Kkk illahay ba kugu dharshee haday dhab ka tahay ii sheeg bring forth receipts

Etacovda S'lived

תחיה מדינת ישראל
You expect your mom to cook and clean for YOUR family?
After all those years of raising your dead beat ass you expect her to do the same for your husband and children?

That thought never crossed my mind. For my hooyo to cook for my family thats the time she should be relaxing and traveling the planet.

You are truly khasaaro. You cant even raise your family.
Your face is khasaaro sxb. Your genes let you down. But a man is not judged by the distance in cm between eyes or facial structure. As they say, it’s not the size of the dog that matters but the size of the fight in the dog. Your questionable appearance is not unique. The most famous Somali actor got his job for his bad looks.

Now let me disagree with your critique of @Shamis. I heard she went through a lot and suffered at the hands of a useless deadbeat husband. Her argument comes from a good place but is misguided.
I do the cooking you moron @Abaay Abaay and the cleaning but my mother babysits the kids and picks them up from school while I'm at work. They have a meal in the fridge for tea time and I cook supper and tomorrow's tea every evening.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
What part is defamatory? You’ve been attacking mercury relentlessly. Can’t I defend him? And this abaay abaay character is needlessly attacking @Shamis
This is nothing short of slander you called mercury out just like I do in this very thread for his servile and exceedingly docile ways does that also make you a proponent of deadbeat dads?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
No there are bounds of reason. He just jumps off the deep end with his sanity at times.
Was it something that I have said that gave you the impression that I am a proponent of deadbeat dads or did you come to that conclusion solely based off me directing some constructive criticism towards mercury?

Etacovda S'lived

תחיה מדינת ישראל
Was it something that I have said that gave you the impression that I am a proponent of deadbeat dads are did you come to that conclusion solely based off me directing some constructive criticism towards mercury?
I saw you mocking him and asking him if he’d be there for his wife if she was taking it doggystyle. You gave him the binary choice of being a deadbeat or watching his wife get fucked, which is deplorable. Correct me if I’m wrong.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I saw you mocking him and asking him if he’d be there for his wife if she was taking it doggystyle. You gave him the binary choice of being a deadbeat or watching his wife get fucked, which is deplorable. Correct me if I’m wrong.
Mercury always stresses that a man should do whatever he has to do to make his other half happy so I was seeing if he would be a man and be there for his wife when she needs him the most that’s love right there if a man like mercury can put his wife happiness before his that’s a big sacrifice only a strong man like mercury would make

How that can give you the impression that I advocate for deadbeat dads and a proponent of it is beyond me
In Hong Kong a live-in Indonesian Nanny costs 500$USD per month. That’s almost 3 times what day care costs in Major Canadian cities for a month.

When all hell breaks lose, hire a maid.

Etacovda S'lived

תחיה מדינת ישראל
Mercury always stresses that a man should do whatever he has to do to make his other half happy so I was seeing if he would be a man and be there for his wife when she needs him the most that’s love right there.

How that can give you the impression that I advocate for deadbeat dads and a proponent of it is beyond me
You’ve cleared it up a little. I stand by myself however.
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