In California’s largest race bias cases, Latino workers are accused of abusing Black colleagues

Nearly every day, the onetime Ontario warehouse employee said, he was stunned to hear racist slurs from Latino co-workers.

“They said it in English — they said it in Spanish all the time,” recalled Leon Simmons, a Black father of four with a deep voice and gentle manner. “When they look you right in the eye and call you the N-word to your face, that’s dehumanizing.”

Thirty-two miles away at a Moreno Valley warehouse, it was the same story. Another Black laborer, Benjamin Watkins, described how a Latina co-worker called to him: “‘Hey, monkey! Yeah, you!’ and waved a banana in her hand. A group of women burst out laughing.”

In America’s long history, harassment and discrimination against Black workers has usually involved white perpetrators — and that remains the case today. But with the rapid growth of the Latino population, now at 19% in the U.S. and 39% in California, Latinos form the majority in many low-wage workplaces. And instances of anti-Black bias and colorism among them is drawing new scrutiny, even as activists in the two communities forge alliances over criminal justice and economic development.


Latinos certainly are targets of job discrimination as well and continue to struggle for equity in the workplace. But the two largest racial bias cases brought by the federal government in California in the last decade alleged widespread abuse of hundreds of Black employees at warehouses in the Inland Empire, the state’s booming distribution hub for trade between the U.S. and Asia.

In interviews, Black employees said a torrent of racist insults and discriminatory treatment was mainly inflicted by Latino co-workers and supervisors who composed roughly three-quarters of the workforces at the sprawling facilities in Ontario and Moreno Valley.

“Mayate,” a type of beetle and Spanish slang for the N-word, was a common taunt, according to interviews and court filings.

 A sign reading Cardinal Health framed by trees

Black employees will be compensated as a result of EEOC settlements with Cardinal Health, Ryder Integrated Logistics and Kimco Staffing Services over workplace discrimination.
(Jason Armond / Los Angeles Times)
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission lawsuits alleged that supervisors at the global medical supplier Cardinal Health and at Ryder Integrated Logistics, a subsidiary of the trucking giant — along with their staffing firms — routinely ignored harassment in Spanish and English at their Inland Empire warehouses. They gave Black employees the hardest manual jobs, denied them training and promotions and failed to take action despite dozens of complaints, according to court filings and interviews.

Many of the Black workers were hired through temp agencies. When they complained, managers — both white and Latino — retaliated by disciplining them or abruptly firing them, according to the EEOC. Others felt forced to quit because of “intolerable working conditions created by the hostile work environment,” the lawsuits alleged.

Cardinal, Ryder and their temp firms denied the accusations. But as scores of Black employees came forward and the EEOC interviewed witnesses, the companies settled the cases last year rather than face jury trials.

“We are seeing an increase in larger race harassment cases,” said Anna Park, regional attorney for the EEOC’s Los Angeles district office. “The nature of them has gotten uglier. There’s a more blatant display of hatred with the N-word, with imagery, with nooses. All the violence you’re seeing in the news, it is manifesting in the employment context.”


In a state as diverse as California, offenders span all races and ethnicities, she said.

Fausto Rios, 82, of Colton, who worked as a bracero or farm worker for most of his life, poses with a type of hoe a farm worker would use, he pose for a picture at his home in Colton on Monday, June 13, 2022. Rios now wants to play a role in exposing and ending the long history of the mistreatment of hispanic farm workers.

A former bracero farmworker breaks his silence, recalling abuse and exploitation

July 18, 2022
“Two decades ago discrimination was viewed as a Black-white paradigm,” Park said. “The feeling was minorities can’t be discriminating. But it could be Asians discriminating, it could be Latinos discriminating. Regardless of what color you are, you don’t get a free pass.”

Now about 300 Black workers are gaining compensation, some as much as tens of thousands of dollars, through the Inland Empire settlements. Cardinal agreed to pay $1.45 million. Ryder and Kimco Staffing Services, which supplied workers to Ryder, settled for $1 million each.

The warehouse operators and their staffing firms — including a Glendale temp agency, AppleOne, which supplied workers to Cardinal — must offer extensive harassment training in English and Spanish and submit to stringent monitoring for verbal abuse, bias and retaliation.

The Los Angeles Times contacted more than two dozen current and former Latino workers from Cardinal and Ryder. None agreed to an interview.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Latinos and Blacks are two separate beasts of people when it comes to work ethics. It is the nature of the Latino who is honest at his or her work. They work like a bee-- non stop. They impress me a lot. I see myself ashamed of myself observing them.

Blacks on the other hand--are the opposite. They want you to hold the Fan on their hard hair while they kneel to pick up a broken fake nail.

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Latinos and Blacks are two separate beasts of people when it comes to work ethics. It is the nature of the Latino who is honest at his or her work. They work like a bee-- non stop. They impress me a lot. I see myself ashamed of myself observing them.

Blacks on the other hand--are the opposite. They want you to hold the Fan on their hard hair while they kneel to pick up a broken fake nail.

View attachment 241422
I doubt it's a matter of work ethic


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I doubt it's a matter of work ethic

No i am serious Walaah. The Latinos work very hard, even when no one is watching. Its like in their DNA.

Blacks don't work hard whether watched or not watched- worst not watched! lol


Latinos and Blacks are two separate beasts of people when it comes to work ethics. It is the nature of the Latino who is honest at his or her work. They work like a bee-- non stop. They impress me a lot. I see myself ashamed of myself observing them.

Blacks on the other hand--are the opposite. They want you to hold the Fan on their hard hair while they kneel to pick up a broken fake nail.

View attachment 241422
If they have such good work ethic why are their countries consistenly such violent hellholes despite not being at war?


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
If they have such good work ethic why are their countries consistenly such violent hellholes despite not being at war?

Good question. Because of the bad politicians. Also what makes them succeed is they have a strong family support. Rarely will u see a Latino who is not with his wife and children. I think the Catholic back ground helps a lot. Also President Nixon noted this in the 60s search his video on Youtube him talking about them and dissing the blacks, He used the point that- Latinos at least have the Catholic family strong. Rarely do i see a latino in drugs or criminals. They are too busy working- they have no life.

I mean- every nations have qualities. Like Somalis- They are amazing Business entrepreneurs. They thrive in Somalia and outside, Especially outside- because at home their politicians are corrupt


Latino countries is like a warzone but there is no war
Mexico ended 2021 with around 40,000 homicides, Mexico had more homicides in 1 year than the Middle East+North Africa had war deaths in 3 years from 2019-21. Keep in mind that the Middle East+North Africa has 466 million people, and Mexico has 128 million

Conversely, Guatemala + Honduras + El Salvador ( total population of 32 million) have 13k murders a year, which more than Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana (population of 140 million) combined despite Latin America being much wealthier.

You hear ppl constantly calaacal about women being mistreated in Iran/Saudi, but never mention the utterly insane Femicide scale in Central America

Latinos got good PR :jaynerd:


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Mexico ended 2021 with around 40,000 homicides, Mexico had more homicides in 1 year than the Middle East+North Africa had war deaths in 3 years from 2019-21. Keep in mind that the Middle East+North Africa has 466 million people, and Mexico has 128 million

Conversely, Guatemala + Honduras + El Salvador ( total population of 32 million) have 13k murders a year, which more than Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana (population of 140 million) combined despite Latin America being much wealthier.

You hear ppl constantly calaacal about women being mistreated in Iran/Saudi, but never mention the utterly insane Femicide scale in Central America

Latinos got good PR :jaynerd:

Gem- u r Gem indeed! loooooooool

Do you realize there exists RULES & EXCEPTIONS?

I speak about this natural phenomenon alot- and people call me bigot and racist! lol


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Even here in Minnesota Somali restaurants only employee Latino workers in the kitchen

Great example. But usually they are without working permit- so things are done under the table, But still their hard work shines like a beacon
The Cadaans are least racist race ever. Race like Latino can be the most racist! LOL

Cadaanka sharciga qaban karaa and they have the spotlight on them. Latinos get away with this, because people falsely think they are submissive workers. They don't see them plotting away. Plus, they play multiple cards, one day Cadaan, the next "Brown-Black alliance" etc, etc. Chameleons!
Worst bosses and supervisors I ever had were non white POC. This includes AA Asian Indian etc. I’m not trying to Booty clap for cadaans but the truth is cadaans know they gotta stay on point optically otherwise they’re out of here. POC get away with it because the spotlight isn’t on them. There is no black and brown POC coalition.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Cadaanka sharciga qaban karaa and they have the spotlight on them. Latinos get away with this, because people falsely think they are submissive workers. They don't see them plotting away. Plus, they play multiple cards, one day Cadaan, the next "Brown-Black alliance" etc, etc. Chameleons!

Its not only them tho- Somalis also play double cards. One day we are black and another day we are white or at least "Somalis"

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Mexico ended 2021 with around 40,000 homicides, Mexico had more homicides in 1 year than the Middle East+North Africa had war deaths in 3 years from 2019-21. Keep in mind that the Middle East+North Africa has 466 million people, and Mexico has 128 million

Conversely, Guatemala + Honduras + El Salvador ( total population of 32 million) have 13k murders a year, which more than Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana (population of 140 million) combined despite Latin America being much wealthier.

You hear ppl constantly calaacal about women being mistreated in Iran/Saudi, but never mention the utterly insane Femicide scale in Central America

Latinos got good PR :jaynerd:

We u dhamaatey for Latin America, I doubt people will ever stop consuming cocaine or other drugs that come from Latam, genuinely believe the whole of Africa has better chance to reach a higher ceiling then them, maskiins.

Latinos are viewed somewhat positively due to their food (mexicans) football starts (Brazil, Argentina) and hot women. People know about the cartels but at the same time they know a lot of good stuff from them. Africans do not have as good of a pr as them, but that might change if afrobeats/african music or food becomes more popular. Africa has a lot of athletes, especially footballers but an african country must first win the world cup before getting respected.



LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
We u dhamaatey for Latin America, I doubt people will ever stop consuming cocaine or other drugs that come from Latam, genuinely believe the whole of Africa has better chance to reach a higher ceiling then them, maskiins.

Latinos are viewed somewhat positively due to their food (mexicans) football starts (Brazil, Argentina) and hot women. People know about the cartels but at the same time they know a lot of good stuff from them. Africans do not have as good of a pr as them, but that might change if afrobeats/african music or food becomes more popular. Africa has a lot of athletes, especially footballers but an african country must first win the world cup before getting respected.

U dont need a "PR" if u have the right stuff. Your skills and strength speak for yourself. The Cartels in Mexico are no more viewed as political gangstas, U have to give credit where its due.
Africans have also earned their credits- they are seen as hard worker compared to the lazy African Americans. Somalis- also is seen as a success. An arab guy right now is building building designed for the shops of Xaliimo in Burkhas selling the same thing. The construction is so huge is still continues
I remember going to this McDonald's on campus years back it was run by a madow manager with a diverse work force usually students from the University of Minnesota then they got a Latino manager his workforce became Latino over night even their cashier barely spoke English.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I remember going to this McDonald's on campus years back it was run by a madow manager with a diverse work force usually students from the University of Minnesota then they got a Latino manager his workforce became Latino over night even their cashier barely spoke English.

He probably fired all of them lol and hired his people with fake ids