Imam Dawud Walid on why BLM matters to Muslims

Justice can not be found through manmade laws.

I sense some sort of black nationalistic supremacy agenda by this guy as well comparing blacks to bani israel etc

This is the policy of BLM they advocate for homosexuality and other filth.

Its a pure extreme liberal movement.

The only way AAs will get justice is by following islam to its core and getting rid of their degenerate culture which glorifies broken homes, zina and satanic music.
Hes speaking some facts, I understand his position tbh. The prophet (SAW) didnt want to hurt his family who remained in mecca.
The fact that we are even debating this. You all are black like or not. The people who are being killed by a corrupt system look like us. I support BLM! I support LGBT+ rights because every human deserves to live. I’m not judging anyone Allah created, neither should any of you

Marshall D Abdi

Know you’re place peasant
The fact that we are even debating this. You all are black like or not. The people who are being killed by a corrupt system look like us. I support BLM! I support LGBT+ rights because every human deserves to live. I’m not judging anyone Allah created, neither should any of you
Last time i checked myself i wasnt negroid plus the 2 last decades it was 2 somali ppl of all these madows

