I'm Osman AKA "Extra" in some movies, AMA


I started my own security company Cerberus.
I was in a few movies and some shorts. My buddy Faysal was in Captain Phillips and he appears to be doing well in the movie industry. He gets into TV shows and other bigger movies. I just mainly make money from the US stock market. Ask me anything.




The acting business is run by SJWs. If you have posted anything that goes against SJW doctrine then you will never be able to get another acting role. Not sure if it is smart to link your IMDB to a discussion forum. My two cents.


I started my own security company Cerberus.
Do you find it easy getting roles? Have you ever felt type casted?
I didn't really feel casted. I can get into something but no guarantee I can't make more than $700. Example is that superman 2013 movie. I was offered $700 to be extra in Detroit. I am like f*ck that shit, I make more money staying where I am. People often accept low pay just to be part of movie and have their face on camera but even if the world sees their face, the world forgets about them the next day unless your Robert Downey or some other Brad's Pitt or big name lol. Go to a random person I a developed country and ask who Barkhad Abdi is, without Googling they won't know period.


I started my own security company Cerberus.

The acting business is run by SJWs. If you have posted anything that goes against SJW doctrine then you will never be able to get another acting role. Not sure if it is smart to link your IMDB to a discussion forum. My two cents.
I will never go back to extra or any acting as I was never paid much of anything for it but f*ck them I'll talk crap all I want. I was in a bridge collapse movie and they had city shut down the bridge traffic so we can all do our part in sitting in cars for the collapse. But we all got next to nothing while movie makers and main actors got shit ton of dough $$$$


I started my own security company Cerberus.
How much money did you make in each movie? Did you meet any famous people?
Between $100 to $700. But I was only in 1 actual movie, the others were just shorts and not even known and went nowhere. I googled pay for actors and found extras and most actors make very low amounts. And some famous monkeys in animal movies make more money than actual humans lol


I started my own security company Cerberus.
When someone says your name you’d be recognized. At least 100k on Instagram. If you come out with a new project you would have buzz around you :)
Here's the thing, movies or acting won't pay me nowhere as nearly as IT or investing stock market. So I give no fucks. My face doesn't have to be famous lol as a famous face means nothing if you ain't a Millionaire or made few hundred thousand from movies.


I started my own security company Cerberus.
Did you have fun? It sounds so fun
It was fun and long periods of waiting. For example in the Public domain directed by Patrick Coyle, I made next to nothing to sit on a bridge for hours as they sorted technical problems and car I had was from 2011 and movie was about a bridge collapse many years before that lol


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
Here's the thing, movies or acting won't pay me nowhere as nearly as IT or investing stock market. So I give no fucks. My face doesn't have to be famous lol as a famous face means nothing if you ain't a Millionaire or made few hundred thousand from movies.
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