Im Afraid I Will Die Before I see Somalia Strong And Proud


Time is ticking. Since 'yey' my favorite leader post 'siyad' stepped down and resigned like a 'wadani' ileen 'la fahmi weeye', but was a very wise man. It's been 2009-2023, that's nearly 15 years and the nation doesn't look like it's heading anywhere, the govt is treated like a 'shop front n business' to make money for personal interest, the market is nothing less then black market, security is horrendous as no-one has the balls to be like 'yey' and tell terrorists no-one elected u fucks, you went into small rooms by yourself and argue god sent u n appointed u to defend his religion, when we know that's not true as god elects noone nor did he send u to defend islam, u trying to over-ride the somali people system(recognized by all muslims n gaal) which was created by all somalis and different sections and all clans, while you guys are 'self elected by yourselves in small room' and no-one has the balls to be firm and demand surrender or totally decimation like 'yey' did.

We don't have strong leaders, they peddle to clan interest not telling them 'the govt is elected' no-one elected their clans, you can bring your concerns, but you cannot force shit on the government and if the decision u want doesn't go your way, u need to do what puntites do, simply thank the govt for their time and wait for a next govt, every govt has the right to finish it's term and no clan can over-ride that or else u will be seen as 'spoiler' and the govt must take 'harsh measures' to stamp that southern culture out and show the world, their trying to over-ride the somali ppl ELECTED govt for Clan crap.
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PL is my only hope and it's time we sit down for another 98 conference and be realistic about the nation, it's been 15 years since abdillahi left the SFG, this is a even longer period then the warlord era(91-98), every year we waste, we are fallin behind. It's time to be realistic and not play 'wait n see' approach, do we wait n see another 100 years? wait n see means we have no plans.

Our constitution makes it clear if the instability whether political or security condition in the nation remains the same, we have a right to execute another option(SAVE PL). We must see it this way, if we couldn't save somalis, we shouldn't die with it either, wixi la badbadin karo ayaa la badbadiya, some-times it's better to save what u can then waste all our time on saving what you cannot.


Reformation of Somaliland
Stop wishing for the downfall of others and it will succeed...

The quicker you forget about tribes the quicker the success comes
It won't be just you, you're children will also die before seeing this, there is a big chance Somalia as a country will no longer exists the way things are going.

The whole economy in Somalia the last 3 decades was driven through remittances from Boomers and GenX in the Diaspora who are now dying or retiring.

The offspring they have raised don't care about Somalia and are integrated with the West, that's pretty much destruction of 2/3 of your economy reliant on those remittances.

What makes the matter even worse is that you import 90% of your food and your energy prices are the highest in the world, and your security the worst.

Had it not been for Erdogan brokering a deal between Russia/Ukraine wheat, a large portion of our population would have already died from famine.

The root cause of the problem is not the politicians or elites, it's the masses and there deen la'aan, we love to live on Haram, consume Haram and chase after Haram regardless where we are in this world, even those already wealthy still yearn after illicit wealth, the politician's are just a reflection of this.

We love being ghost workers and creative with elaborate scams and turn everything into mashruuc, no one thinks about the country, people or tribe anymore, its the politics of the belly and as a result it's a quick race to the bottom.

Just the other day I was informed about an elaborate evolution of the typical day care scams Somali's love to engage in the west, after many of them were caught and busted, they got creative.

It's the same old ghost children they sign up that never turn up, but instead of it being empty place they turn the place into a dugsi were they charge parents, that way they gain 2 income streams and if the government ever shows up unannounced for inspection they will see children being present at all times reciting quran, assuming it's day care.

That's the kind of people we are, not long ago there was a 40 million grant being proposed to teach children, the entire discussion among the odayaal and youth centred around ghost workers and who takes the lion share, diaspora people that should know better travelled back home in hope of getting a cut of that money and contribute nothing.

This disease is systemic, from the elites all the way down the peasants, hence why we are being punished collectively until we reform and atone for our sins and change our ways.

Even the corrupt Indian's are shocked at us, when a Somali travels for surgery to India which would normally cost anywhere between $1000-4000, the Haram ku nool TUUG Somali middle-man forces the Indian doctor to quote an obscene figure of 10K+ so he can pocket the difference.

Even relatives do this to each other, la isku ma naxo, there was a story were even the normally corrupt Indian doctor was surprised at this hustle and retorted "No wonder your country is shithole"
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@Inquisitive_ wow that was alot of wisdom, there is cultural decay no doubt. This is what i've observed.

1. Govt scared to know it's elected n recognized and to stamp out non state actors electing themselves in small room n saying they were sent by god to defend islam. Same with clans who go to the president, the 'isims' of the clan are just silent while their political class humiliates them not knowing they are not elected and if their is conflict of interest with the govt, they simply need to wait till a next govt or else they will be seen as spoilers(clan tryin to over ride a whole qaran or mamul)

2. Foreign policy. Just continous flip flop showing only we are untrustworthy and unreliable to any nation, in-fact they may agree between themselves 'we serve noone interest' and sideline us. Now knowing the art of foreign policy is knowing your short term n long term interest and classifying each nation based on your priorities(security, economic, investors, education, etc). Knowing how to manage and survive thru competing world orders or regional orders by testing different scenarios of your policy on where the geopolitics could shift or measuring other foreign policies and their 'longevity' status.

3. Chaotic market place, we can't even protect small investors like diaspora building homes, forget local customers buying goods/services that are useless or scammed, no recourse, no legal architecture discussions on market. Like u said these bastards wear 'dishonesty n cheating' as a badge of honor and wonder why their nation looks like a sewage.

4. Education post university is just a black market not worth the paper it's printed on. No discussions on how to modernize-certify-and discuss with industry/investors what skills r needed and what 'recognition' method must be put in place

5. No economic policy beyond talkin about natural resources, no mention of human capital development. No economist calculating how many sectors/industries exist, how many businesses report to each, the value of the sector/industry, the value of large/medium/small companies in each sector. No economist or financial analyst providing any data to investors on even the basics of investment(capital, operating cost, taxes, supply chains, value pie), noone scanning global/regional/local emerging or mature sectors growth rates. No business management to collect 'failed businesses' and study it for 'themes' of failure and providing advice to all businesses on how not to operate, no business managers on how to increase their company productivity.

No discussion on how to share the value pie of businesses so it's not going to the top of the pyramid only, but to the bottom so it can generate more spending and investor responses.

6. Infrastructure(health, schools, roads, airports, ports, energy) this is lacking nation wide, without these pillars being high standard it effects the whole economy.

I think I will die before Somalia is proud nation among the world and seen as a productive society to emulate

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
This is my biggest fear, I imagine myself of my deathbed and a realtive comes in and tells me that another qarax happened in Mogadishu or this and this clan fought.
I don't even wanna imagine it.


This is my biggest fear, I imagine myself of my deathbed and a realtive comes in and tells me that another qarax happened in Mogadishu or this and this clan fought.
I don't even wanna imagine it.

I can't fathom to look at my kids or their kids face on my deathbed and tell them 'my generation' failed you and you guys r born from us the first generation kids in the west and u will just be stuck in the west and that nation ppl will be on their own devices since u won't know the culture/mentality since we first generation kept u away n sheilded from it and how to get them productive, u will roll up ya sleeves and accept wat the west tells u about them.


@Somali Ugaas the first generation in the west still have connections to their homeland, it's the one they birth and the further it goes from there, it's over. So it's Gen X/Y/Z, if we dont fix somalia within this 'frame' of time, somalia will be lost forever and left to its own devices. Infact that could be the global policy on somalia, i hope its not, i really do hope so.

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
I can't fathom to look at my kids or their kids face on my deathbed and tell them 'my generation' failed you and you guys r born from us the first generation kids in the west and u will just be stuck in the west and that nation ppl will be on their own devices since u won't know the culture/mentality since we first generation kept u away n sheilded from it and how to get them productive, u will roll up ya sleeves and accept wat the west tells u about them.
Dr Osman I forget if asked you this before, but if you ran for Prez of PL or Somalia you could do a lot of good, Or are you content with 'isim' of your clan.

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
@Somali Ugaas the first generation in the west still have connections to their homeland, it's the one they birth and the further it goes from there, it's over. So it's Gen X/Y/Z, if we dont fix somalia within this 'frame' of time, somalia will be lost forever and left to its own devices. Infact that could be the global policy on somalia, i hope its not, i really do hope so.
This is why more than ever Barre gen need to step of the podium. Somalis need to use the nationalist sentiment in Qurba-joog and dal-joog.
Now more than ever the diaspora need to lead the country.
It will take baby steps but we must establish a solid foundation.


Dr Osman I forget if asked you this before, but if you ran for Prez of PL or Somalia you could do a lot of good, Or are you content with 'isim' of your clan.

@Inquisitive_ ...The baby boomers are retiring and either in isim roles, senator, etc this generation caused the civil war, Gen X were the students of baby boomers, so they don't contribute much different in their political culture. Plus they never connected to the west to see the world from their lenses, their very anti western cuz they came to the west already fully mentally/socially somali.

It's Gen Y my generation who were born or grew up in the west as first generation(diaspora not locals) the local gen Y are warlord 'generation' and Gen X kids are(islamist generation). That's why I know 'clan' so well, I got into at early age when I was in hamar realizing this is the 'social identity' of locals and it's pointless fighting it with 'nationalism or islamism'.

Once a Gen Y president born in the diaspora enters the politics they should know clan but will know how to use it for 'productivity' such as 'clan statistics' so it can used to measure key metrics and cause competition so all clans can lift up even failing ones, see that's combining west/somali culture in a mosaic, im certain they will do such things in every area of society and government, becuz they shud know the west since they were born there or grew up there, plus they know 'clan' at the same time. I think it will be beautiful equation. Then mellenials who knows might come along and add the final 'touches of proper deen based on intelligence' since the system of GEN Y is purely based on 'reason, intelligence' not 'hadal like SL, not gossip like PL, not bullets like South' all 'emotions' that head nowhere.


@Inquisitive_ @Somali Ugaas one of my biggest goal is setting accountability not just on corruption which will be key agency as 'kheyre' said, but personal/clan responsibility. This starts with 'ID' cards issued to all. Name/Address/Clan/Sub clan/Isim responsible. They will be registered at hospital/schools/workplace/security-legal sectors. Each school-hospital-workplace-legal-security sector will have a 'centralized database' to fill out about every individual.

For example legal sector will register name/clan/sub clan of criminals on a database, this will be fed to govt to 'monitor' these people, character test them before employment. This will be accessed by workplaces also to ensure they can character test so they don't pollute their work place. Their will be a sense of 'forgiveness' after they proven themselves in the community.

The one I love the most is the workplace all names/gender/age/address/clan/sub clan/isim will be kept and stored. Best staff and worst staff will be recorded weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly against their file, this will be sent to govt to 'scan' n collect clan statistic on productivity.

Same with criminal statistics of clans. Hospital statistics. Education statistics on clan. We will start to measure and publish yearly on the best person or clan in each area of the society and award them, and the failing ones will be 'taught' where their failing. Any fradulent behavior will be seen as 'dambi qaran' as it's effecting the nation productivity goals to have a high performing workforce, students, etc.

The only thing im tryin to work out is 'fraud proof' system, im thinking the workers all need to 'digitally sign with finger print' their performances each week/monthly to ensure it's not 'fraudulent'.

This will be useful for the ISIM to know this data so they can use it to plan around their clan development goals.


@Somali Ugaas @Inquisitive_ i think my personal/clan responsibility can be 'fraud' proof if the worker signs digitally(fingerprint) what their performance evaluation was by their superior, what will make it fraud proof is, if say the manager says sign ur bad worker n i will give u money, wat will stop the worker is this 'file' we follow them as all employers will have access to the worker productivity database, so they will be hurting their future if they do, hence it's check n balance.
It won't be just you, you're children will also die before seeing this, there is a big chance Somalia as a country will no longer exists the way things are going.

The whole economy in Somalia the last 3 decades was driven through remittances from Boomers and GenX in the Diaspora who are now dying or retiring.

The offspring they have raised don't care about Somalia and are integrated with the West, that's pretty much destruction of 2/3 of your economy reliant on those remittances.

What makes the matter even worse is that you import 90% of your food and your energy prices are the highest in the world, and your security the worst.

Had it not been for Erdogan brokering a deal between Russia/Ukraine wheat, a large portion of our population would have already died from famine.

The root cause of the problem is not the politicians or elites, it's the masses and there deen la'aan, we love to live on Haram, consume Haram and chase after Haram regardless where we are in this world, even those already wealthy still yearn after illicit wealth, the politician's are just a reflection of this.

We love being ghost workers and creative with elaborate scams and turn everything into mashruuc, no one thinks about the country, people or tribe anymore, its the politics of the belly and as a result it's a quick race to the bottom.

Just the other day I was informed about an elaborate evolution of the typical day care scams Somali's love to engage in the west, after many of them were caught and busted, they got creative.

It's the same old ghost children they sign up that never turn up, but instead of it being empty place they turn the place into a dugsi were they charge parents, that way they gain 2 income streams and if the government ever shows up unannounced for inspection they will see children being present at all times reciting quran, assuming it's day care.

That's the kind of people we are, not long ago there was a 40 million grant being proposed to teach children, the entire discussion among the odayaal and youth centred around ghost workers and who takes the lion share, diaspora people that should know better travelled back home in hope of getting a cut of that money and contribute nothing.

This disease is systemic, from the elites all the way down the peasants, hence why we are being punished collectively until we reform and atone for our sins and change our ways.

Even the corrupt Indian's are shocked at us, when a Somali travels for surgery to India which would normally cost anywhere between $1000-4000, the Haram ku nool TUUG Somali middle-man forces the Indian doctor to quote an obscene figure of 10K+ so he can pocket the difference.

Even relatives do this to each other, la isku ma naxo, there was a story were even the normally corrupt Indian doctor was surprised at this hustle and retorted "No wonder your country is shithole"

I agree and i witness alot of these things in the west and Back home, I try to have a positive outlook but our Future depends on the Youth and maybe they will do a better job than the people before us.


J Haplogroup Enthusiast
I agree that it's a pretty sad reality, but I've also given up on this community and this country. My current objective is to bring my clan together and create a home for them since I believe they can accomplish it without difficulty because they don't feel guilty about working. I don't mind returning to my brith-country, though, if that doesn't work out. :)

The circumstances in Sool and how Somalis support the inequity that was present there serve as an excellent illustration of this. Despite the fact that neither the conflict nor the sool resources benefit the common citizen, they nevertheless felt compelled to support it because their clansmen were in charge of it.

This is how Somalis are throughout all of Somali regions; they never hold the clansmen who rob them of their blood accountable because it is part of their culture and how they handle murder and other serious crimes. Instead of accepting responsibility and doing action to stop the crime of their kind, they used to beg for forgiveness and make payments to the victims.

Since they have been brainwashed into believing they will one day be wealthy like the elites, Somalis are similar to poor capitalists in that they don't gain from the system but are a slave to it and will do anything in their power to maintain it.

Even though it may not seem like it, speaking up and sharing our ideas can change the course of the nation. I will continue on my mission to speak out, and I sincerely hope that each and every one of you will as well. I still have hope for the future of the nation, as I have done since I was a young child. If we all give up on change, nothing will ever change.
Just do your part in paving the way. Put money in building your tuulos and work with youth groups and educate against tribal violence. I promise you will see a way better Somalia or if not your kids will lead it.


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
My biggest fear wallahi. Inshallah I live to see the day Somaliweyn becomes a regional powerhouse and I wanna take part in getting us there Inshallah.


It won't be just you, you're children will also die before seeing this, there is a big chance Somalia as a country will no longer exists the way things are going.

The whole economy in Somalia the last 3 decades was driven through remittances from Boomers and GenX in the Diaspora who are now dying or retiring.

The offspring they have raised don't care about Somalia and are integrated with the West, that's pretty much destruction of 2/3 of your economy reliant on those remittances.

What makes the matter even worse is that you import 90% of your food and your energy prices are the highest in the world, and your security the worst.

Had it not been for Erdogan brokering a deal between Russia/Ukraine wheat, a large portion of our population would have already died from famine.

The root cause of the problem is not the politicians or elites, it's the masses and there deen la'aan, we love to live on Haram, consume Haram and chase after Haram regardless where we are in this world, even those already wealthy still yearn after illicit wealth, the politician's are just a reflection of this.

We love being ghost workers and creative with elaborate scams and turn everything into mashruuc, no one thinks about the country, people or tribe anymore, its the politics of the belly and as a result it's a quick race to the bottom.

Just the other day I was informed about an elaborate evolution of the typical day care scams Somali's love to engage in the west, after many of them were caught and busted, they got creative.

It's the same old ghost children they sign up that never turn up, but instead of it being empty place they turn the place into a dugsi were they charge parents, that way they gain 2 income streams and if the government ever shows up unannounced for inspection they will see children being present at all times reciting quran, assuming it's day care.

That's the kind of people we are, not long ago there was a 40 million grant being proposed to teach children, the entire discussion among the odayaal and youth centred around ghost workers and who takes the lion share, diaspora people that should know better travelled back home in hope of getting a cut of that money and contribute nothing.

This disease is systemic, from the elites all the way down the peasants, hence why we are being punished collectively until we reform and atone for our sins and change our ways.

Even the corrupt Indian's are shocked at us, when a Somali travels for surgery to India which would normally cost anywhere between $1000-4000, the Haram ku nool TUUG Somali middle-man forces the Indian doctor to quote an obscene figure of 10K+ so he can pocket the difference.

Even relatives do this to each other, la isku ma naxo, there was a story were even the normally corrupt Indian doctor was surprised at this hustle and retorted "No wonder your country is shithole"
but wouldn't more people just move to the west to give remitance? but the rest you said was mostly true, Inshallah we move away from these Haram practices.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
You lost hope in Somalia only after losing PM position to Ogaden:trumpsmirk:
What a nice brother u are to Ogaden kkkk and what a nationalist


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