Ilhan omar daughter suspended


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
You sound like one of those Zionists that are surprised there’s queer for Palestine, Palestine issue is a universal leftist and human rights issue, it’s stopped being a fundamentalist Muslim issue years ago

Do u agree with that? Palestine issue being a minority cause?


Ilhan Omar is constantly abused on Muslim diaspora/Arabic social media channels where they parrot the lies from Islamaphobic cadaans. They never ever give her the benefit of the doubt or defend even when she’s right.

If I was her daughter and studying at a prestigious university, I would make dua for the Palestinians but I would be a fool to stick my neck out like this.

Watch them turn on her too very soon.
The Saudi and UAE government/people are the ones attacking Ilhan Omar because she spoke up against the war crimes they were committing in Yemen, earlier this year she introduced two legislations to block US arms sales to both countries.

But they’ve been attacking her for over 6 years, in 2018 they said she was undermining their war in Yemen because she is a descendant of Yemeni-Houthi-Shia and Ikhwani lol.

These Khaleejis are Pro-Zionist themselves, so it’s not fair to blame Palestinians or Arabs for their actions.
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This university is absolutely crazy and evil.

This email is what was sent to 100+ students who were arrested and expelled for simply peacefully protesting for Palestinian civilians:

“If you need to retrieve any of your belongings” LOL wtf? And 15 minutes to clear out their entire room

Stop this victim blaming nonsense. They made over 100 kids homeless and forced them onto the streets with all their belongings (or what they could take within 15 minutes).

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28 Google employees were fired for protesting $1.2b Israel contract yesterday.

People won’t standby and use their career and education as an excuse to ignore a genocide. You don’t have to be as brave as them, however mocking them reflects poorly on your moral integrity.


Chief of Madow Rights Movement, E-Y18629 Cushite
All the user questioning Ilhan Omar’s kid actions with the “they’re not our people” logic are legitimately tribalistic. You have zero place to take the moral high ground with qabyaalad if that’s your stance against the most televised genocide since the holocaust.

There’s been more bombs dropped on Gaza in the last 6 months then all bombs dropped on Germany during WW2. Over 40% of Israeli bombardments have taken place in the designated safe zones. Over 100 starving people were massacred trying desperately to get some flour. Not even proper food just flour.

Don’t let these Zionists scare you into submission. Even in the religion you believe in you’re not supposed to fear anyone but Allah SWT. Do better y’all.


A Laandheere always pays his debts
What is Axmed Xirsi up to now? Last I heard was he was working as an 'advisor' for HSM.
All these people complaining right after Ramadan, saying what about Somalia, Somalis in sitti are fighting their lives and guess whose laughing and siding with afars landers on twitter, have you protested outside the Ethiopia embassy or lobbied your government to sanction Ethiopia nada and not a Zilch but your here arguing about ilhan pro Palestine stance, she has also been vocal about the MOU and she got shit from Fox News, ilhan will always be Enemy number 1, so what that’s a strong women, we Somalis are not meek. Palestine issue is very important to Somalis as well as the Yemen war when farmaajo refused to deploy Somali soldiers and annex socotra. It’s because of our deen we are not quite about these issues. Just because Saudis and uae is using their troll farm against ilhan somehow Arabs are against Somalis. Let me tell you Arabs envy Somalis in the west how they are very outspoken in their deen, all they get are coons
Palestine going through genocide is well established,and they deserve all the sympathy,but throwing away your future for them is plain stupid
do you hear yourself a peaceful protest against genocide is throwing your future away she didn't say anything towards jewish people if it was the opposite "jewish people" getting genocided lets say they would probably be praised
Gone are the days in which many people especially on Sspot have principles and a sense of justice. If it wasn’t for the millions of people across the globe even including non Muslims who have compassion, marching in solidarity with Palestine there wouldn’t be a change in the perception of the genocide that’s happening. People standing up to this is the only way Palis have a chance of reprieve.

I think some members on this forum are callous and stand for nothing. I don’t think risking your university is the best of ideas, but it shows a strong sense of right and wrong and the more we let these people make us cower and are too afraid to confront the evils that is happening, the more this issue will progress.

I’m sick and disgusted with some posters and you know who are you are. We’re seeing a genocide with kids being blown up and children burying various body parts of their mothers, yet here you are mocking people that are brave and have a heart that beats for humanity.

I also find it doubly sickening that you people will use the suffering of Somalis when it’s convenient for you so that you can minimize the deaths of 40, 000 people and along with thousands of others who are so severely injured they’re missing limbs.

Hence my question to you people is, what do you stand for? Probably nothing and for all
Of your faux care for Somalis, I know you wouldn’t even be willing to ride out for you people as well.

Shame on you.
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All the user questioning Ilhan Omar’s kid actions with the “they’re not our people” logic are legitimately tribalistic. You have zero place to take the moral high ground with qabyaalad if that’s your stance against the most televised genocide since the holocaust.

There’s been more bombs dropped on Gaza in the last 6 months then all bombs dropped on Germany during WW2. Over 40% of Israeli bombardments have taken place in the designated safe zones. Over 100 starving people were massacred trying desperately to get some flour. Not even proper food just flour.

Don’t let these Zionists scare you into submission. Even in the religion you believe in you’re not supposed to fear anyone but Allah SWT. Do better y’all.
They’re immoral and tbh I’m surprised that you’re on the right side. They’re so shameless that a non Muslim like yourself has to remind them of their deen. All of their faux care for Somali affairs is fake and they simply use Somalis when we’re not even being invaded but are fighting amongst ourselves to mask their cruel outlook towards life that’s steeped in individualism and selfishness.


Chief of Madow Rights Movement, E-Y18629 Cushite
They’re immoral and tbh I’m surprised that you’re on the right side. They’re so shameless that a non Muslim like yourself has to remind them of their deen. All of their faux care for Somali affairs is fake and they simply use Somalis when we’re not even being invaded but are fighting amongst ourselves to mask their cruel outlook towards life that’s steeped in individualism and selfishness.
As a left winger I’ll always stand up against genocide no matter what group of people are targeted, especially one as blatantly endorsed like the situation in Gaza.

Lakiin being formerly Muslim I also have bonds with Palestinians who are feeling the pain directly. Colleagues, friends, and even family members. It’d be psychotic for me to ignore all of that just because I lost faith in a religion we shared. Many other Mutards feels the same.

Like you said it’s 100% a cop out excuse to bring up Somali suffering. Majority of these people aren’t Hodan Nalayeh’s actually trying to make a difference back home. They do jack shit.

Should diaspora **born** Somalis attempt to help people back home? Yes I 100% think so. We were given a huge privilege growing up here that can help change the lives of millions in Somalia.

Can this be done while showing solidarity to Palestinians? Yes. This isn’t a multiple choice 1 answer question. You can do both so please get off your high horse.

And to end off this comment I’ll link this TikTok video below. To all the sudden ethno-nationalists remember this is what the people who are getting air striked daily think of you and your country the next time you spout your ignorant shit.

As a left winger I’ll always stand up against genocide no matter what group of people are targeted, especially one as blatantly endorsed like the situation in Gaza.
At this point, this is beyond being a left winger or a right winger, this is a simple case of morality and human decency. It’s that straightforward.
Lakiin being formerly Muslim I also have bonds with Palestinians who are feeling the pain directly. Colleagues, friends, and even family members. It’d be psychotic for me to ignore all of that just because I lost faith in a religion we shared. Many other Mutards feels the same.
Yep, it’s called having humanity. I truly hope you one day see the spiritual beauty of Islam. I think what makes it hard for people like you is seeing people who act very practicing, but have the worst of morals, and very little compassion for those that they deem inferior or not part of their group. It doesn’t help that some of our religious class amongst Somalis don’t come across as good people or even logical for that matter, which further pushes people away. But don’t look at people or
opinions. Look at the spirit of Islam.
Like you said it’s 100% a cop out excuse to bring up Somali suffering. Majority of these people aren’t Hodan Nalayeh’s actually trying to make a difference back home. They do jack shit.
They don’t care like that and even if they do, they simply don’t have the balls to get up and rise up for their people. They’ll criticize others who have enough heart to care about others whilst they don’t do anything significant for their own.
Should diaspora **born** Somalis attempt to help people back home? Yes I 100% think so. We were given a huge privilege growing up here that can help change the lives of millions in Somalia.

Can this be done while showing solidarity to Palestinians? Yes. This isn’t a multiple choice 1 answer question. You can do both so please get off your high horse.
I agree it’s not one or the other and it was never so, but they bring up that useless narrative so that they can hide behind their lack of morals. Deep down many don’t care about what’s happening to Palis. They lie about them being racist towards Somalis when many haven’t even met one. They conflate them with other Arabs and act like all Arabs are the same the way Zionists do to undermine the Palestinian struggle and identity.
And to end off this comment I’ll link this TikTok video below. To all the sudden ethno-nationalists remember this is what the people who are getting air striked daily think of you and your country the next time you spout your ignorant shit.

Great video.
28 Google employees were fired for protesting $1.2b Israel contract yesterday.

People won’t standby and use their career and education as an excuse to ignore a genocide. You don’t have to be as brave as them, however mocking them reflects poorly on your moral integrity.
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your opinion is shit and just cause they wouldn't give a f*ck about us does not mean you can just belittle the suffering they're going through you dont even know if they wouldn't give a shit about us, arabs have donated to us before, and no one is following you around stop being self centered , you just have such dumb takes that i have to say something. It's natural to put your own people ahead but belittling others is not the way to go about it.
Many of her opinions are sick, she bases her much of her identity on the racial hiearchy favouring Somali beauty over typical black beauty from AA/West African/African-Americans, and takes glee in making fun of their struggles unprovoked. It's a pattern with that user.

I think Somalis who do that reek of just as much low-esteem as the ones who try to be loved by xenophobic madows who don't like Somalis, because why are you tying your self-concept to racist ideals white people have instead of cultivating it from within?
As a left winger I’ll always stand up against genocide no matter what group of people are targeted, especially one as blatantly endorsed like the situation in Gaza.

Lakiin being formerly Muslim I also have bonds with Palestinians who are feeling the pain directly. Colleagues, friends, and even family members. It’d be psychotic for me to ignore all of that just because I lost faith in a religion we shared. Many other Mutards feels the same.

Like you said it’s 100% a cop out excuse to bring up Somali suffering. Majority of these people aren’t Hodan Nalayeh’s actually trying to make a difference back home. They do jack shit.

Should diaspora **born** Somalis attempt to help people back home? Yes I 100% think so. We were given a huge privilege growing up here that can help change the lives of millions in Somalia.

Can this be done while showing solidarity to Palestinians? Yes. This isn’t a multiple choice 1 answer question. You can do both so please get off your high horse.

And to end off this comment I’ll link this TikTok video below. To all the sudden ethno-nationalists remember this is what the people who are getting air striked daily think of you and your country the next time you spout your ignorant shit.

Once again showing me why you're one of my favourite users on here


A mere finger can’t obscure the sun.
All the user questioning Ilhan Omar’s kid actions with the “they’re not our people” logic are legitimately tribalistic. You have zero place to take the moral high ground with qabyaalad if that’s your stance against the most televised genocide since the holocaust.

There’s been more bombs dropped on Gaza in the last 6 months then all bombs dropped on Germany during WW2. Over 40% of Israeli bombardments have taken place in the designated safe zones. Over 100 starving people were massacred trying desperately to get some flour. Not even proper food just flour.

Don’t let these Zionists scare you into submission. Even in the religion you believe in you’re not supposed to fear anyone but Allah SWT. Do better y’all.

Beautifully put! Thank you. Muslims take heed. This dunya won’t be forever so don’t lose your akhira for it.
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Western Muslims and “coloured people” aren’t going to do much if anything @ all for the Palestinians. They are all under the illusion that Israel somehow controls USA when in fact Israel is an extension of the West and an imperial military outpost. Muslims and Arabs who migrate to the west and adopt these countries cultures and pay taxes are just lying to themselves if they believe Palestine is going to be helped by some 80s style apartheid activism.

The only real way this can happen is a through a coalition of nationalistic/religious Arab/Muslim states to emerge and then they have to completely limit Western (USA)military, political and social control over their countries. Basically, a couple of mini Arab Irans and even then it will still be a struggle (Look at Russias struggles) . Most won’t do it because they are not willing to take the sanctions and loss of live that will come with these conflicts. They know it will practically take another world war to free Palestine. Others are too rich and want to enrich themselves further by cutting deals with USA and Zionists. The other problem is that the Arab/Muslim world doesn’t really have visionary or creative leadership.

therefore, it’s essential all young Somalis know that there is very little they can do for Palestine from the West. We all have their passports, support their national teams and enjoy the benefits of what they give. To then pretend Muslim Somalis in the West can be some sort of anti imperial fighters for Palestine is a load of hogwash. The western nations give you enough avenues to protest for Palestine and do silly performative actions which they know has very little effect on foreign policy. Please do not mistake this for me saying Somalis should not show solidarity with Palestianians; I am saying losing your livelihood or your college place is futile because it does not help the Palestinians in way, shape or form. The western will forever be committed to the Judea- Christian alliance because it makes sense for them from a military, political and Economic perspective.


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