ila sameeya 2 eraybixin oo cusub. draft001

Waxaan rabaa in aan sameeyo labo eray oo cusub.

Here is the definition of word the two words

thread = a programming structure or process formed by linking a number of separate elements or subroutines, especially each of the tasks executed concurrently in multithreading.
Think about it here sspot. We create threads.

Thirst trap = define

to find the definition of it, just click the green ‘define’

My first draft

1. thirst trap
2. Thread

labadan ayaan u helay erayo afsoomaali noqon doona.

1. Thread waxaan u helay ‘dun

Markii horaba marka la qeexo thread waxay afsoomaali ahaan noqonaysay dun 🧵🪡🧶

Therefore ‘dun’ fits the description perfectly in the computing definition of thread. Since thread in computing means linking things.

2. thirst trap = ildabid. —- il 👁️ dabar 🪤 to trap

I chose ildabid

it similar to ildoogsi = enjoy through the eyes. Ildoogsi is very common in Somali songs.

I have tried transliterating ‘thirst trap’ into Somali. I didn’t like most of them

oon dabid
Horo dabid 👎
Haraad dabid
Kamiino dabid = I like this
Aroor dabid = I like it but I hate the time ( Aroor) too specific)


In Conclusion

Thirst trap = ildabid
Thread = dun
Threads = dunan (computing )

I like to hear your thoughts ?
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Haddii aanan galdanayn, waxaan u malaynayaa:
a) 'Thread' waa 'tuduc'; tusaale, marka raar ama kebad la falkinayo, il ama siriq bud-dhige u noqota ayaa ugu horayn la unkaa, deetana 'tuduc', ama 'thread' ayaa la ebyaa, ka dibna tudco kale, ama lakabyo tuduceedya kale ayaa la lagu raaraa (shall have to confirm it with true nomads, if there are any left).

b) thirst trap - 'ildab' ma noqon karto, li'anna 'il-dab => ildab' waa naanays loo bixiyo qof mid ka mid ah labadiisa indhood ay dab, ama danab leedahay - macnawiyan, ay u eg tahay in ay maqnaadiis 'electromagnetic' la fal galayso - in other words, suffering from neurological disorder of muscle control, twitching etc - it is a known medical condition, and shall have be confirmed with neurologists).

Waxaan odhan laaha 'carrab walhis' oo la fir ah sida marka ey asqaysani uu amiirkiisa arko, carrabkana walhiyo, oo macnawiyan la mid ah 'to attract attention'.

Waxaa ay la mid yahay 'cisal walhis' oo ah marka awr qooqani ay isu dhebi-dhistaan, oo ay gole goolaaftan sameeyaan, ama raggu ay isu goodiyaan.

Intaa ku kar.
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Purpose: Waxaan isku dayayaa inaan soo bandhigo laba eray oo cusub oo aan hadda ku jirin afka Soomaaliga. Labadan erey waa "thirst trap," oo ah erey loo isticmaalo afka-internetka, iyo "thread," oo ah erey computing.

In my previous post, I suggested that the best new words for the Somali language would be "ildabid" for thirst trap and "dun" for thread. However, upon further consideration, I realized that "ildabid" has some issues that may hinder its effectiveness as a new word. Specifically, the word can be hard to read and recognize, and it can be confused with other similar words due to its pronunciation. Additionally, the word "il" does not have any sexual connotation, which may make it difficult to convey the intended meaning of "thirst trap" to a Somali audience.

As a result, I have decided to choose a different word for "thirst trap." The new word is "dabin harraad." This word is much easier to recognize and comprehend, and it also has a hyperbolic sexual meaning in Somali songs. When pronounced, the word can be easily recognized and distinguished from other similar words.

In conclusion, the two new words that I propose for the Somali language are "dabin harraad" for "thirst trap" and "dun" for "thread."


Waxay soo dhigtay Instagram-ka sawir si cad u ahaa dabin harraad, laakiin waan iska celin kari waayay inaan laba-taabto.

She posted a picture on Instagram that was clearly a thirst trap, but I couldn't resist double-tapping.
Uma maleynayo inay xitaa ka warqabto in sawirka ay soo dhigtay uu yahay dabin harraad - waxay u maleyneysay inuu yahay issawir qurux badan.

I don't think she's even aware that the picture she posted is a thirst trap – she just thought it was a cute selfie.
thread = dun ( waxaan samayn doonaa dun kale oo aan uga hadli doono sababta aan u doortay thread = ‘dun’
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Haddii aanan galdanayn, waxaan u malaynayaa:
a) 'Thread' waa 'tuduc'; tusaale, marka raar ama kebad la falkinayo, il ama siriq bud-dhige u noqota ayaa ugu horayn la unkaa, deetana 'tuduc', ama 'thread' ayaa la ebyaa, ka dibna tudco kale, ama lakabyo tuduceedya kale ayaa la lagu raaraa (shall have to confirm it with true nomads, if there are any left).

Erayg ‘Tuduc’ waa fiican laakiin dhowr waxyaabood ayaa i dhibaya.

Kow, Waxaa i dhibaysa ‘c’-da ugu dabaysa ‘tuduc’. Waxay ila tahay in ‘C-da’ ay adkaynayso ku dhawaaqista erayga.

Tan kale, Waxaan rabaa in erayga cusub ee aan samayn doono noqda mid afka maayga adeegsan karaan.

Sida kale, waa eray fiican oo leh macne u dhigma kan aan raadinaynay. Waa eray leh taariikh u siyaadin karta hirgalintiisa. Waana eray sadex alan leh. Tus. (Tu-du-c).

Erayo kale ayaan dib u eegeegi ka hor intaan eraygan (tuduc) qaadan.

eray kale inoo baadh.
b) thirst trap - 'ildab' ma noqon karto, li'anna 'il-dab => ildab' waa naanays loo bixiyo qof mid ka mid ah labadiisa indhood ay dab, ama danab leedahay - macnawiyan, ay u eg tahay in ay maqnaadiis 'electromagnetic' la fal galayso - in other words, suffering from neurological disorder of muscle control, twitching etc - it is a known medical condition, and shall have be confirmed with neurologists).

Waxaan odhan laaha 'carrab walhis' oo la fir ah sida marka ey asqaysani uu amiirkiisa arko, carrabkana walhiyo, oo macnawiyan la mid ah 'to attract attention'.

Waxaa ay la mid yahay 'cisal walhis' oo ah marka awr qooqani ay isu dhebi-dhistaan, oo ay gole goolaaftan sameeyaan, ama raggu ay isu goodiyaan.

Intaa ku kar.
Carrab Walhis: noted