If you weren't born Muslim do you think you would of embraced Islam?


Bah Qabiil Fluid
I always wonder If am just a product of "Lottery of birth" when it comes to Islam yes I wasn't raised in a Muslim country but I was raised with Islam being taught at home. If my family were practicing christians or Jews what are the chances of me ever finding Islam- I may stop believing in those two faiths ,but that doesn't necessarily mean I would become a Muslim.

It seems pointless to think about the what if's but has anyone ever thought about this? I would say eventually I might find Islam, but that wound most likely happen in my mid 30's I doubt I would care too much before this age.
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You would have been as proud of christianity as you would have been a muslim. Truth is, your view would exactly be the same like habeshas on islam.


Sheekhaagu waa kuma?
I'm not very versed in religion, don't think a second life as a non-muslim would change that. I would just have what is easier for me, aka, the religion I am born into.


Lord Maximus
Probably/probably not

Probably Not:because of islam’s portrayal in the media.

Probably yes: If I grew up in a Muslim neighbourhood


Milf hunter
I'd probably be as proud of my gaalnimo as I am currently proud of my Islamnimo, or not be religious and be on the fence of atheism.
Probably not at first, but I would have definitely left whatever religion I was born into and eventually embraced Islam after having my fun.


To each their own
No lol.

The Muslim community is hella toxic and misguided it would be very off putting from an outsiders perspective.

Plus Islam is honestly a hassle to go along with since it's much more than just a religion.

Heck I don't even pray and I still get burnt out by it all the time.


Bah Qabiil Fluid
No lol.

The Muslim community is hella toxic and misguided it would be very off putting from an outsiders perspective.

Plus Islam is honestly a hassle to go along with since it's much more than just a religion.

Heck I don't even pray and I still get burnt out by it all the time.

If think it depends of what kind of muslim community and which diaspora ,but I sadly agree with you people don't make it easy to like muslims .


I've legit been told I am the reason why they don't view muslims in a bad light anymore but still had me thinking to me self "wtf" inside we need to do better :(


To each their own
If think it depends of what kind of muslim community and which diaspora ,but I sadly agree with you people don't make it easy to like muslims .


I've legit been told I am the reason why they don't view muslims in a bad light anymore but still had me thinking to me self "wtf" inside we need to do better :(

The hypocrites and snitchers are easily the worst of the community.

They always talk in a self-righteous tone to others whilst doing worse shit behind others back.

It also doesn't help that the most ignorant are usually the loudest.

Tbh I can kinda of see why Muslims are seen in a negative light with how some people be acting.


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
Of course fam. I actually might be born Muslim, but I didn't really practice and had much doubts about religion, but did believe in a higher power eventually started researching much and grew to love Islam and I keep loving Islam more with each day that passes.


Boqor of Boqors. The man your wife fantasises of.
For those of you that say you would switch to Islam let me tell you why you most likely would not.

Converts typically research and dive deep into every religion before making a choice. If as a Muslim you have never read the Bible or Torah etc or even know the basic principles of other religions then you my friend would definitely not switch to Islam.

Personally i am honest and I probably would not.

nonetheless alhamdulilah.