If you could conquer africa

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Would you try to improve the image of africa by assimilating the naked african tribes into the modern world, or would you leave them to live like that. The dhul Kharnain dillema. Do you force ppl to change their way of life so that ppl's image of africa would improve? or would you leave your brothers to live in ignorance, far removed from bani adam's honourable status that was intended for them before iblis (the cursed one) led men astray and taught them to live like animals.

I personally would force them to follow a better culture. Not for supremacist reasons like european devils, but so that they may join me and be equal in rank. They would hate me at first but once they come to realise that there is a better way to live they would swallow that bitter pill and forever be better off in the long run.

Watching this documentary made me sad to see how ppl can live their whole lives not knowing that had iblis not existed they would have lived better lives. being honoured vice regents on the earth.

What power does Iblis have over us, he and his minions can only whisper in our heads. The angels are more powerful than them and God is the one who controls this universe nothing can happen without his decree. Our end goal is not this world but the hereafter, this world is our testing ground and our results determine our rewards and punishments.
I would let the tribes be. Sometimes when you try to help someone, you make the situation worse.

Think about what the australians or canadians did to "assimilate" the natives when they arrived there. They made it worse.

You also need these nomads to watch over the rural land, or else other settlers from neighboring countries will take over. Less city people is better for the environment too.
I would let the tribes be. Sometimes when you try to help someone, you make the situation worse.

Think about what the australians or canadians did to "assimilate" the natives when they arrived there. They made it worse.

You also need these nomads to watch over the rural land, or else other settlers from neighboring countries will take over. Less city people is better for the environment too.
Europeans didn't ever intend to assimilate them and treat them as equals. Your missing the point sxb i meant if you were a king like dhul qarnayn and had the whole earth in your grasp would you let any ppl live in ignorance knowing that some drought or famine could kill them in future because they didn't have the proper knowledge to survive.
Europeans didn't ever intend to assimilate them and treat them as equals. Your missing the point sxb i meant if you were a king like dhul qarnayn and had the whole earth in your grasp would you let any ppl live in ignorance knowing that some drought or famine could kill them in future because they didn't have the proper knowledge to survive.

I would invite them with open arms a few times as the drought gets worse. Only if they were going to suffer from a drought or a famine.

I would never force them though.

I believe force should only be used against threats to your power.

Some nomads wandering in the desert? That's the least of my concerns...


Make Hobyo Great Again
I would convert them to Islam and do trade with them but that's it. I don't want to erase languages and cultures. They can add to the diversity of the ummah instead of being assimilated into something useless like North Africans.
If I could conquer Africa I would ship all Nigerians to Brazil and Ethiopians to Yemen we don't need filth on the continent of Africa
South Africans can all go into a volcano.
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