If you could change one thing about Somali culture, what would it be?

I wouldn't get rid of clans as that helps us preserve our culture and expand to new lands. I would get rid of tribalism and each Somali clan would love one another, unite and help one another.
I wouldn't get rid of clans as that helps us preserve our culture and expand to new lands. I would get rid of tribalism and each Somali clan would love one another, unite and help one another.

people preserve culture, clans only reinforce separatism and superiority.


Certified Liin Distributor
Since qabil removal got mentioned like 5 times. I'd get rid of FGM its disgusting and needs to stop


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
Keeping their stinky mouth open (many do)

Staring at other Somalis like f*cking autistic weirdos

Not caring about their looks or easthetics


Jileec motherfckers

Having biggest balls when facing other Somalis but turn into slabs of jelly when facing ajnabi

Dirty smell of FOBs
Arrogance for nothing
Red teeth

These are the few things I could think of there are many more that need changing.

Samaalic Era

Keeping their stinky mouth open (many do)

Staring at other Somalis like f*cking autistic weirdos

Not caring about their looks or easthetics


Jileec motherfckers

Having biggest balls when facing other Somalis but turn into slabs of jelly when facing ajnabi

Dirty smell of FOBs
Arrogance for nothing
Red teeth

These are the few things I could think of there are many more that need changing.
This one is a curse wallahi:snoop:
Keeping their stinky mouth open (many do)

Staring at other Somalis like f*cking autistic weirdos

Not caring about their looks or easthetics


Jileec motherfckers

Having biggest balls when facing other Somalis but turn into slabs of jelly when facing ajnabi

Dirty smell of FOBs
Arrogance for nothing
Red teeth

These are the few things I could think of there are many more that need changing.
Wallahi we need to genocide all mouth breathers in our community
Diet without a doubt.

Revert back to a high protein high saturated fat high cholesterol and raw diary laden diet free from the ills of refined sugar, vegetable oils and anything processed.

One thing isn’t enough to rejuvenate the Somali. We need to remove and ban Khat(and all other drugs) and re-somalize the Somali from the encroachment of arabisation.
Keeping their stinky mouth open (many do)

Staring at other Somalis like f*cking autistic weirdos

Not caring about their looks or easthetics


Jileec motherfckers

Having biggest balls when facing other Somalis but turn into slabs of jelly when facing ajnabi

Dirty smell of FOBs
Arrogance for nothing
Red teeth

These are the few things I could think of there are many more that need changing.

I cannot believe I almost dropped a like just before I saw the cambuulo hate :farmajoyaab:


King Of NSFW
I would get rid of taboo culture and make somalis more understanding instead of being quick to shame.
Careful what you wish for

No barbarism=no civil war
No civil war= no displacement
No displacement=different circumstance for conception

In other words some of you anchor babies might not exist right now

