If the West announce mandatory military conscription, would you join or dodge?


Stroking my Australinimo
I feel this is an important topic that needs to be addressed when looking at current events (China, Taiwan, Ukraine, Iran etc). Back before the mid 20th century, the West hardly had any immigrants from continental Asia and Africa. All of their army conscripts on front-lines in world war I and II were almost entirely men of their own ethnic.

It would be hard to tell if immigrants will join the draft because they arrived in the 1960s where the west opened the gates for them to rebuild their countries. The vast majority of them today have a western citizenship and the second generation western born are now over 18. So, the question is; what will you do if they announce a mandatory draft for all male citizens and ship you to the Asia Pacific, Baltics or the Middle East?

How many will pull a Muhammad Ali who denied his call for military service while citing religious reasons? Would you, your younger siblings or sons join the draft and go to war or opt to dodge the draft for a short jail sentence/fines?

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"While the draft ended after the Vietnam War when the U.S. moved to the current all-volunteer military, the Selective Service System remains in place if needed to maintain national security. The mandatory registration of all male civilians aged 18 to 25 ensures that the draft can quickly be resumed if needed."

It seems they go after young bloods. I'm currently 25, I don't think anything big is ganna happen in the next 10 years. So I'm safe:mybusiness:
I'm more concerned of Faraxs going in to military changerooms, bedrooms, and showers. Military niggas are mentally focked walaah. All it takes is one mentally deranged dude and wey ku dhamaatay. :jcoleno: