if the central powers won world war 1

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somalia would have been one of the few countries in the world to win their independence by their own blood and sweat,and the only country in africa,ethiopia was the first but they only fought one big war the battle of adwa,and menelik II was a strong emperor.Somalis on the other hand fought for longer,and access to somalia was easier than access through the ethiopian highlands(just a theory might be wrong)this made somalia an easier target

but imagine that!! the most homogenous people in africa fought for a country of their own was the only muslim country in africa to be recognised and we came close to becoming the first african country to earn their own borders and not handed to them by a foreign power,cause even ethiopia were favoured because they were christians,ogaden was just handed to them and years later we tried to retake it and almost succeeded too,if ony somalis were united


Study Sunt Tzu’s, ‘Art of War’.
Germany is the devil/Satan incarnate. God made them lose all the world wars for a reason.

They were also the only group to ever exterminate God's chosen people to a great extent.
harsh words. I would say the belgians, russians and chinese did worse. The king of belgium alone killed 20million congolese. More than hitler ever killed
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