If Hsm Dont Kick Out The Minister Of Youth And Sports, I Will...


Why ulusow himself employes his autistic daughter. The sport minister is just doing what culusow does.

This is a learned behaviour and comes from the top.


I hear the minister is sending a Sacad girl to the next Hungary event. He’s supposedly good in the tahriib business, hold on till that event happens bro


Guul iyo Gobanimo
I hear the minister is sending a Sacad girl to the next Hungary event. He’s supposedly good in the tahriib business, hold on till that event happens bro
Honestly, this has to be stopped. We need to take a break for a few years to recover from this shenanigans.
Somalia is currently going for most corrupt country once again. Minister of sports is practicing see-think-do from culuslow himself. Can’t blame him.


why yall acting like this is bigger disgrace than having failed state? this is nothing
We hear about famine, genocide, civil war, across the world.

But this girl literally broke the record for being the worst national athlete across every Olympic sport.

It highlights how dysfunctional, corrupt, nepotistic and failed our society is, to the point that you don’t even take it serious because it’s so funny. Like we’re not even a 3rd world country, a new term needs to be made for us.