IDP Student In Gedo Among The Examination Winners


Sawiro:Waa kuma Wiilka Deni u quuri waayey Guusha uu gaaray

9th September 2020 admin Wararka Maanta 0


Qaasim Salaad Gobaad waa wiil kasoo jeeda Qoys danyar ah oo ku nool degmada Garbahaarey ee gobolka Gedo , waxa uu kamid noqday 100ka arday ee ugu saraysa imtaxaankii Shahaadiga ahaa ee Dowlada Federaalka ee Soomaaliya Shaacisay.

Qaasim oo mid kamida Qoys barakacayaal ah oo degmadamada Garbahaaray ku nool , Gaari Iskulka kuma aado , Qoyskiisana ma’ahan kuwo si fudud ku hela lacagta Waxbarashada.

Sawirkaan hoose waa goobta uu ka dagan yahay Magaalada Garbohaarrey Waxuu ku jiraa dhalinyarada guushooda ay diidan yihiin siyaasiyeenta ay Kamid yihiin Madaxwayne Deni, Cabdikariim Guuleed, Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur iyo Mahad Salaad.

Qaasim salaad Biyo iyo buuro jamalo waawayn ayuu u Dulmaray si uu kaalinta Sare u Gali lahaa Balse kuwa aan dareen sanayn ayaaa diidan Farxada wiilkaan iyo kuwa lamid ah oo Xalad adag wax kusoo bartay.


There is something about poverty-hardship and people who grow up in it if given the chance to go to school or work, they tend to succeed better then the tiktok, facebook, tobacco smoking urbanites. I remember my dad back in the 60's came to hamar for secondary schooling, he basically lived like the IDP's in the nomadic settings of Garowe and upon seeing the magical lights of the city, he knew it was now or never to succeed, where-as I assume the urbanites at the time, would've been dumber just like we see now.

I feel worried if Puntland urbanizes we will also have that negative effect of urbanization where it instills laziness which also means your brain power starts to die because they don't use it due to the urban environment providing them water, electricity, food, roads, hospitals, etc. There was always a trade-of for being sedentary. But good luck to that kid who won the competition, it would've been the same back in the 60s with kids from the regions succeeding over the locals in mogadishu.


The other thing to add to the equation for people from villages is there is less entertainment, they basically turn their education into a hobby and they must consider this the best part of their lives due to village life being less destracting, where-as in urban areas, there is to much entertainment such as sports, beaches, nightlife, they would end up dedicating less time to their studies compared to some kid in garbo-harrey. So we need to accept this reality as major cities in Somalia, there is going to be a trade-off, u will find students who will dwell in village areas who have access to education will do ten times better then the average urbanite.

So we need to accept there is going to be this trade-offs for developing our cities in PL, we must prepare now how we will overcome the urban effect.

I already see it happening in Bosaso-Garowe-Galkacyo-Qardho. No-one in PL has talked about this and how we prepare we don't become like benadir.


When u read Marehan History, u find they tag along behind ogaden, even when Og's crossed the river and did the hard yards, these marehans come and follow and boast about conquering, why didn't they lead the migration if they are the true conquerers? the reason is they are pussies in a war, They want other darods to do the hard work for them sxb and then they come and loot the glory and say it's mine, that's what I despise about them.

Like in 1960's when SYL formed the nation, none of their clans-men were apart of SYL, do u know why? u can guess why, they also striked after sharmarke death seeing an opportunity of vaccum, see they sneak up after other darod clans pave the way and loot the leadership. After Nur Mujahid, they destroyed the adal sultanate also, go read when adal sultanate fell, it was right after Nur Mujahida confirmed marehan, go read when Somalia fell, it was right after Siyad barre. It's time they realize this is to much of a coincidence when-ever their clan comes to power, the Somali state collapses. Why?
There is something about poverty-hardship and people who grow up in it if given the chance to go to school or work, they tend to succeed better then the tiktok, facebook, tobacco smoking urbanites. I remember my dad back in the 60's came to hamar for secondary schooling, he basically lived like the IDP's in the nomadic settings of Garowe and upon seeing the magical lights of the city, he knew it was now or never to succeed, where-as I assume the urbanites at the time, would've been dumber just like we see now.

I feel worried if Puntland urbanizes we will also have that negative effect of urbanization where it instills laziness which also means your brain power starts to die because they don't use it due to the urban environment providing them water, electricity, food, roads, hospitals, etc. There was always a trade-of for being sedentary. But good luck to that kid who won the competition, it would've been the same back in the 60s with kids from the regions succeeding over the locals in mogadishu.

could this be why immigrants succeed when abroad, specially when they do not get welfare?

the black race in america was very successful in the 60s until they gave them welfare,

Australian aborigines were successful until they gave them welfare and told them go and buy alcohol and smoke weed all day. same with native indians, these two now die mostly from being too drunk and waste life,

this is why in silicone valley, some 60% of start ups are created by immigrants,

cut welfare, this includes xamar getting money from the Ic and also xawaalad money for sending money back home is a form of welfare and xamar gets most money from the UN/IC

maybe the reason why kids in Doobley and Afmadow and kismayo are getting top grades is because of necessity?

notice how western born and raised somalis smoke weed and f*ck around when somali guys from wajir or Qoraxey come to England working 2 jobs and studying a medicine course, I have seen so many guys from africa somali race who kiss the ground and work hard but the ones born here are useless

i know so many guys who became doctors from NFD or Ogadeniya whilst somalis born here do knife attacks and commit crime sand spent their time in prison,


could this be why immigrants succeed when abroad, specially when they do not get welfare?

the black race in america was very successful in the 60s until they gave them welfare,

Australian aborigines were successful until they gave them welfare and told them go and buy alcohol and smoke weed all day. same with native indians, these two now die mostly from being too drunk and waste life,

this is why in silicone valley, some 60% of start ups are created by immigrants,

cut welfare, this includes xamar getting money from the Ic and also xawaalad money for sending money back home is a form of welfare and xamar gets most money from the UN/IC

maybe the reason why kids in Doobley and Afmadow and kismayo are getting top grades is because of necessity?

notice how western born and raised somalis smoke weed and f*ck around when somali guys from wajir or Qoraxey come to England working 2 jobs and studying a medicine course, I have seen so many guys from africa somali race who kiss the ground and work hard but the ones born here are useless

i know so many guys who became doctors from NFD or Ogadeniya whilst somalis born here do knife attacks and commit crime sand spent their time in prison,

Yes welfare is a huge contributor to Somali immigrant failures in the west. Notice when their in Arab countries, their successful and performing, even in African countries, their either students or business people, why? no welfare, if there was welfare, they would take it and breed ghetto rats like the ones u see who do knife attacks in london, it's cause their born to families who they see as living off the welfare system and they inherit no wealth from that generation(waa jiil dhintay) an then their kids eventually start to live the most degraded life because their living in the most degraded areas of the country among the lowest of the low, if u live among dogs sxb u will eventually become a dog yourself. But u r correct, it's linked to welfare access.

Our family only send money to our family in garowe after we told them to bring a business idea and we will contribute funds to make them 'self sufficient' so they don't call us each month for money like welfare, they now hardly call us anymore, only time is when their is equipment broken or some major event like a wedding or they need to go to foreign country hospital, other then that, nope we don't send them a cent anymore unless they come up with more investment ideas and if we are convinced it will make them independent from the hawala welfare system, we do contribute towards it. I wish all Somalis had the same attitude


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