Boowe adigo nabad u balawara belo kaale lama yirahdo haday kugu timaadona lama booyo boowowThe only thing that changed is the global banking system and currency and ribah network, back then this didn't exist and trade was with hard currency like gold and how much u had of it. When jews invented this system and globalized it, it allowed him to ensure which economies fail since they control the bank notes that is now the new gold that everything is measured against. This has constant ribah on it year by year while u don't hence, your poor and starving.
Lets go back to a fair world is what u might say? but that's unrealistic, u have to have banks yourself and begin ribah operations or else your doomed to not catch up the global economy and control your economy since you don't even have currency to balance your production against, balance when things go up or down in wages or prices to control your currency, your foreign trade and how to use your currency.
This cognissive wants us under jews and being poor, they send these religious nutcases to ensure islam keeps us backwards and we dont do ribah and be controlled by global markets and rely on sadaqo and aid, he is a jewish agent himself all these SHARIAH LAW SYMPTHISERS. It's to ensure u don't compete in the world markets and use religious norms in a market that isn't religious to begin with. He wants to encourage growth of radical islam to ensure you are now sadaqo compliant to world markets and he can stop assisting u in sadaqo as u starve away. Man did the jews lock the world in, it's under theyre banking principles the original founders, they were doing this 2000 years ago in temples of jerusalem.
Cognissive will come 'post' verses no 'evidences' though as the jews intend him to do, just use your eyes in the world somali, ninkani hadalkisa iyo versekiisa lama dhegaysto hadusan bananka ka tusin karin oo daleel ah, daleel ma aha ayat la aqriyo wa inu ku tusiya ama daleel ma aha. He doesn't understand cilmiga aduunka, he thinks inu cilmi ka helayo quranka, he was told to go to china to learn cilmi, quran is about god not how to live on earth