Iam so tired of beesha Baidoa

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Weeping for the Nation of 68
Everytime i see them on tv they are beggars with lots of babies.
Each baidoani family has 8 or 10 kids.

Stop breeding like rabbits.

They are begging beggars (other Somalis).
Beggars within Beggars.

Also they attribute the most fighters to alshabab terrorists.


Yuusuf direed Founding Father of Ahlu-naar
Lowly Tutu shouldnt you be focusing on your xoolo beesha for being as-shabaab heads, everyone knows that your beesha are the lowest among somalis, so keep your mouth shut on the beesha barekeysan Raxanweyn.


Yuusuf direed Founding Father of Ahlu-naar
U damn know iam right

Dont make me call General Goodfuckluck to pat you hawiye pets up.


:banderas:The look on his face says it all, the amount of Hawiye P***** he had must be unaccountable

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
They would go extinct, Raxanwein die like flies every drought,civil war. They must have 8-10 kids/family to sustain their numbers.

Also I have noticed the poorer, less intelligent people are=produce more kids.

Shaqo kale ma hayaan dee, waa isku garaaca


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit

Never make fun of a mother with starving kids, whats wrong with you? Allah swt has plans for those kids, they might become doctors, engineers, lawyers. You might need their help one day. Give them money or shut it and pray for them.


I think it is a IQ thing. Northerners survive in deserts for hundreds of years while southerners starve in lush areas.

Isha Baydhabo :banderas: just look at how green it is. :damedamn:

I think it is a IQ thing. Northerners survive in deserts for hundreds of years while southerners starve in lush areas.
This is one of the most retarded things I've read on this forum fucking hell

The southerners aren't just starving, they're being starved. From in the 90s when their crops and fields were destroyed by militas and food aid blocked from reaching them to now when they can't distribute their food or receive any due to Al Shabaab blockades.

But why would I expect barely intelligent thoughts from one who mocks starving people from the comfort of the West :ivers:
Hope you're not being serious
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This is one of the most retarded things I've read on this forum fucking hell

The southerners aren't just starving, they're being starved. From in the 90s when their crops and fields were destroyed by militas and food aid blocked from reaching them to now when they can't distribute their food or receive any due to Al Shabaab blockades.

But why would I expect barely intelligent thoughts from one who mocks starving people from the comfort of the West :ivers:

Even in the middle of the war northerners never starved. We had porcupines. :lolbron:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Nomads are able to move around and live off their livestock for a while, farmers are one crop failure away from total starvation, especially in an active warzone. Agricultural regions bear the brunt of man made famines because of their resources, not in spite of them.
Nomads are able to move around and live off their livestock for a while, farmers are one crop failure away from total starvation, especially in an active warzone. Agricultural regions bear the brunt of man made famines because of their resources, not in spite of them.
People of Gabiley/Awdal have been farming for generations yet never suffered a famine.@Duke of Bohol is right...there is indeed a massive iq gap between reer woqooyi iyo reer konfuur.Does the number 68 ring a bell? :mjlol:
No real wealth, no port, no businesses worth mentioning in their regions and to make matters worse for them, thier loosing their only lifeline, their agricultural land, but then again they put themselves there.
Uff a lot of you guys are pure trash. Plain and simple. Some of y'all need to get dropped in a warzone and disappear from the face of this earth.
Inkaar baad qabtaan.


No real wealth, no port, no businesses worth mentioning in their regions and to make matters worse for them, thier loosing their only lifeline, their agricultural land, but then again they put themselves there.

What a brutal summary!!!:susp:
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