Younes Osman
It was my first summer job, I was going door to door for advertisements with my training supervisor in London. I rang a door bell and was immediately greeted by a somali family. The mother and daughter of the family was asking me question about where is my family from originally and I said (togdheer and Maroodi Jeex) . They then told me they are also originally from SL. I told them I was Habar yoonis and they disclosed that they were habar jeclo. My supervisor was teasing about the daughter without being aware that she developed a certain form of interest about me. So this xalimo is an early 20s university student and slim. But, I wasn't interested in her in all honesty. Overall, judging by her mother's over enthusiasm about somaliland reminds me of my dad.
By the way I'm just your typical farax
Slim build
abdullahi Yousef comb over hairstyle
By the way I'm just your typical farax
Slim build
abdullahi Yousef comb over hairstyle