I Love This Guy

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War ninkan waa geesiga sanadka

Oromo waa qurun, isku xeer manahin, isku luqad manahin, isku dhaqan manahin, meel aan isku fahmayno aanan jirin waxana imanayso akhirki in mid meesha laga saaro, inta aniga layga saari laha, ana meesha ka saarayo, GAAL-KACYO STYLE.

OROMO IS MY BITTER ENEMY. Wallahi kan baan firsada markan arki oromo caytamayo. Magalada dhan ba wasaqobayso dee, ha laga barto reer sanag ma soo dhowayan qurun oromo, waa kaa runta, go to sanaag learn from them, if they not doing something, ha samaynina. Only somali bay soo dhowayan. Bosaso manta way ka buuxan qurunkani oo kun sano aan la dagaalanay si aysan somali isirkeeda, dhaqankeeda, xeerkeeda uu dugin sida loo galay reero badan jir jiray lke ajuuran ama harla ee ethiopia


Sxbyaal xeer marku jabo, waxaa imanayo qof ba baxayo sida hamar ka dhacday. There is no more protection in the land basically, it's chaos. U can't live anymore without feeling worried for your life, assets, family, friends, etc. Same thing happened in mogadishu is what happens if a common xeer breaks down or if there is no xeer like with oromo, that's what happened wat u saw in hamar. It happened in gaalkacyo
Sxbyaal xeer marku jabo, waxaa imanayo qof ba baxayo sida hamar ka dhacday. There is no more protection in the land basically, it's chaos. U can't live anymore without feeling worried for your life, assets, family, friends, etc. Same thing happened in mogadishu is what happens if a common xeer breaks down or if there is no xeer like with oromo, that's what happened wat u saw in hamar. It happened in gaalkacyo

I think you're onto something. The oromos only understand force which is why they don't try any darood sub. The history of what we did to them is documented in many books.
War ninkan waa geesiga sanadka

Oromo waa qurun, isku xeer manahin, isku luqad manahin, isku dhaqan manahin, meel aan isku fahmayno aanan jirin waxana imanayso akhirki in mid meesha laga saaro, inta aniga layga saari laha, ana meesha ka saarayo, GAAL-KACYO STYLE.

OROMO IS MY BITTER ENEMY. Wallahi kan baan firsada markan arki oromo caytamayo. Magalada dhan ba wasaqobayso dee, ha laga barto reer sanag ma soo dhowayan qurun oromo, waa kaa runta, go to sanaag learn from them, if they not doing something, ha samaynina. Only somali bay soo dhowayan. Bosaso manta way ka buuxan qurunkani oo kun sano aan la dagaalanay si aysan somali isirkeeda, dhaqankeeda, xeerkeeda uu dugin sida loo galay reero badan jir jiray lke ajuuran ama harla ee ethiopia
Inaan dalka ka saarnno waxaa noo ga roon in aan skuulo somali ciyaalkooda ku lazimno. Skuul oromo ah hadey dhisaan aan burburino. Sida jaarsada markaas waxaan heleynaa xamaali class oo af iyo dhaqanba somali ah. Making us nasab somali on a powerfyl steed of millions of somali oromo. Dad hadii afkooda laga badilo forever adoon ayeey noqdaan. There are thousands of oromo in pl. Thnk smart this would give us mjs ciidan noo dagaalmo oo construction noo dhiso. if only aan afka ciyaalkooda somali kubadalno. Modern adoon. Qabiil adooma leh waa qabiil boqor ah.
Inaan dalka ka saarnno waxaa noo ga roon in aan skuulo somali ciyaalkooda ku lazimno. Skuul oromo ah hadey dhisaan aan burburino. Sida jaarsada markaas waxaan heleynaa xamaali class oo af iyo dhaqanba somali ah. Making us nasab somali on a powerfyl steed of millions of somali oromo. Dad hadii afkooda laga badilo forever adoon ayeey noqdaan. There are thousands of oromo in pl. Thnk smart this would give us mjs ciidan noo dagaalmo oo construction noo dhiso. if only aan afka ciyaalkooda somali kubadalno. Modern adoon. Qabiil adooma leh waa qabiil boqor ah.
You might thnk thats twisted but the world is dog eat dog. You fail to think quickly jiilkaa ga dambi ayey ka jarantahay. This solution waa very easy to enforce compared to deporting tens of thousands withs hundreds coming in every month aswel. Dhulkaa balaaran ey daarood dagaan jixinjix ku maanan helin. Lol i can already see 100 years in the future. Protests in oromia about the complete somalification of somali oromos. Its a win win. They keep coming, we dhaqan tirtir them make them servile caste. They stop coming, we dont have an oromo expansion problem anymore win. Win win


Inaan dalka ka saarnno waxaa noo ga roon in aan skuulo somali ciyaalkooda ku lazimno. Skuul oromo ah hadey dhisaan aan burburino. Sida jaarsada markaas waxaan heleynaa xamaali class oo af iyo dhaqanba somali ah. Making us nasab somali on a powerfyl steed of millions of somali oromo. Dad hadii afkooda laga badilo forever adoon ayeey noqdaan. There are thousands of oromo in pl. Thnk smart this would give us mjs ciidan noo dagaalmo oo construction noo dhiso. if only aan afka ciyaalkooda somali kubadalno. Modern adoon. Qabiil adooma leh waa qabiil boqor ah.

They can't be trusted that's the problem, they did the same to gurgure and backstabbed later and made him speak oromo, it's not about changing isir you can't do that, it's about changing language, culture, and the system they use so they are safe among each other. That is the xeer somali is based on, its the commonality between different tribes, then within ur own tribe u have other commonalities like ancestor or bah wadaag or sometimes both in the case of warsangeli and dashishe kkkk. Where-as tribe has taken the first position where-as sultantaes put the XEER of somali as first and that's what changed since 1969 non dhaxaltoyo leader came sxb, all these leaders after him are non dhaxaltoyo meaning not a sultanates for f*ck sakes kkkk
Look at daarood. Dir baa na aftirtirey and now we made the somali r
They can't be trusted that's the problem, they did the same to gurgure and backstabbed later and made him speak oromo, it's not about changing isir you can't do that, it's about changing language, culture, and the system they use so they are safe among each other. That is the xeer somali is based on, its the commonality between different tribes, then within ur own tribe u have other commonalities like ancestor or bah wadaag or sometimes both in the case of warsangeli and dashishe kkkk. Where-as tribe has taken the first position where-as sultantaes put the XEER of somali as first and that's what changed since 1969 non dhaxaltoyo leader came sxb, all these leaders after him are non dhaxaltoyo meaning not a sultanates for f*ck sakes kkkk
Yes. Althese thousands of kids to be born in pl in the next 10 years should all be completely somalized and any oromo dhaqan erased. Dad la af tirtirey are done for


I was taught today about the importance of bah wadaag kkk. It's basically you giving your woman to another clan but the catch is she has to be noble, successful clan, dad wax haysta dhinaca cilmi, aqoon, diin, lacag, hub, everything dee kkkk and then what they do is that woman has kids and all the tribes will want to marry her kids and they start to grow and say habar nugaal or warsaangeli abgal kkkk eventually harti abgaal bay isku imanayan oo hoyo harti ka dhaxayso dee.

So then that is a second lifeline as a majerten is harti abgaal, we love them and got their back always and they know but that moryan wacaysle is playing games cuz his base is weak as hell and hg use them cuz they know they cant connect with other somali clans due to their 'low base' so this means more time wasting no more dawladnimo as habar gedir wants.

Harti Abgaal and Bah Majerten qol qol bay isku galan, even till today, they update us on abgaal internal matters and we update them on our matters to ensure we got each other back.
Dad la afbadalo waa forever servile atleaat for hundreds of years. Just look at jaale hawiye .they were our servants for hundreds of years til 91. Marka dad la afbadalo it takes hundreds of years before they revolt
If the af-tir achieves nothing else it will extinguish the threat. They wont have oromo pride if their thoughts are in afsomaali kkk. And the songs they sing in the shower are somali kkk.
Now raxanweyn on the other hand are dad sancad yaqaan oo horumar ku dadaalo. Even though theyre kinda aborigibal Daarood relations with eelaay will bemefit us in the long run. There different kinds of aboriginl3 peace ones and xayraan dhiigcab ones. Theyre just jaahilin but have alot of potential. Im pro raxanweyn settlement and intermariage in puntlqnd.
If the af-tir achieves nothing else it will extinguish the threat. They wont have oromo pride if their thoughts are in afsomaali kkk. And the songs they sing in the shower are somali kkk.
Just look at Merica. Whites are 60 percent only but they rule the country, why? Dad la aftirey oo la dhaqan tirey are not a threat they are just increase in tax revenue
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