I love my female friends wallahi, they are some of the greatest people I have ever across

We do makeup together, go shopping. Talk about Eastenders! I help clean their kitchen while they are having sex with their boyfriends hehehehehe.

We read cultural Marxist books together! I attend feminist rallies with them chanting down with the patriarchy! I also tweet and report mean tweets against women on Twitter! As I am a non-binary gendered male feminist.
I thought it said I love my friends and was about to agree with you:(

"It sounds like he was one of those guys on standby ..... you know.....if one of his mates break up with their boyfriend....". :russsmug:

"I must say, he has game because he is deep in the trenches of the friendzone with many options to choose from".
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رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
We do makeup together, go shopping. Talk about Eastenders! I help clean their kitchen while they are having sex with their boyfriends hehehehehe.

We read cultural Marxist books together! I attend feminist rallies with them chanting down with the patriarchy! I also tweet and report mean tweets against women on Twitter! As I am a non-binary gendered male feminist.

