I have a small idea that could make the biggest difference down the line

The government spends most of their money on salaries and reasons to protect themselves and their money which is SECURITY
They should get paid in the Somali currency. When the so called leaders see how shit the currency is. They'll change right quick.
Right now they get paid in U.S. Dollars which means they have no incentive to fix anything in Somalia. How do leaders of a country have such little hope for their country? Them getting paid in Somali Shilling could make them change the status quo and also even make them look better. Going from our government budget is $200 million dollars(yuck embarrassing) to our government budget is 10 billion shilling(seem somewhat responsible) is way better for them. They're already down the gutter knowing they can only collect $200m from the area in mogadishu they control. This is a better solution.
BE CORRUPT IN OUR SOMALI SHILLING is my moto at least they have a reason to improve it.
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That is a reasonable idea but our currency i currently over inflated and they're is a lot of forgery. Until we get a replacement for this it'll have to be the USD.
That is a reasonable idea but our currency i currently over inflated and they're is a lot of forgery. Until we get a replacement for this it'll have to be the USD.
This is for now. Once they all make the switch is when they can improve it otherwise the cycle continues. in 2030 the gov will have the same issue.


6 foot barefoot
Can't build when there's nothing to build on.

Security before development. Else you're playing a game of sand castle and waves of sea.
It's a good proposal but just changing the currency of payment to Somali shilling is not enough.It will take much more effort to build the country and government institutions.

The civil war and the political mess currently going on now has set the country back in unimaginable ways. The Somali government will have to build its institutions again from scratch. This can only be achieved starting with a brand new CONSTITUTION.

Speaking of the Somali currency,Is there even a functioning Central Bank/federal reserve system to issue and regulate the Somali shilling? People exchange currencies in the markets and streets corners without any semblance of regulation. These street forex traders do not even pay any tax to the government!

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The gov budget is 670m not 200m.
The Central bank will start printing and regulating the Somali shillings this year. Obviously, all the gov workers will be paid in the local currency. However, everything going/coming to the country will be strictly in USD just like pretty much every country in the world. The central bank of Somalia coming back and taking its rule will be a nightmare for terrorists but corrupt politicians will always find a way to be corrupt.

