I hate to make a anti-newbie thread

I know we have a lot of these threads and people often talk about how you newbies ruined Somalispot.

Although, I don't think you are all bad, please stop talking about marriage and relationships.

It's doing my head in, if you are going through frustrations then please fast or pray to Allah for relief. I don't want to hear this stuff over and over again.
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If you are going to make a thread that starts with the following lines then please turn off your computer and go outside, let the virus do its job:

What would you do if your wife/husband did x
Would you marry someone who has x
Would you let your wife/husband x
Would you marry a woman/man from x

Seriously stop
why does boomers all the time make anti-zoomer threads ?

Because you guys are horrible contributors. I love you guys but you're annoying AF. You can barely stitch together a decent argument, the topics you discuss are mindless jibber-jabber and you made my ex-husband @Abdalla hide in the FDK section.

