I hate the gender war thing

Somali guys and girls, I've heard and seen strictly go for ajanibs nowadays so let's stop the blame game...

I think we also have a lot of standers for ourselves in terms of looks because of social media. This is actually true for everyone in this generation. There are many articles about this.

Somalis expect so much from someone you can't give back?

Female ex. A Somali girl who dresses not modestly finds a man whose respectable UNLIKlY. Men aren't that mean so if a respectable man is very kind to you but declines your asking do not be shocked even if you're attractive. Hes looking for ol

Male ex. A Somali guy who sags his pants attracts a woman his way who dresses modestly guess what.... UNLIKELY too. If a modestly dressed woman is nice to you doesn't mean you have huge chance.

A man can only change himself so don't even...

"opposites attract" in terms of personality not everything else really.

I'm just saying a lot of us don't realize SOMETIMES (not all the time) we are looking at the female/male version but it's hard to realize because they're different stuff men and women have to fill Islamicly.

I think feminism extremists and podcast males have caused division among our people.
need a

#2023 remove half of the western Somalis off TikTok.

Lebron James

4 Time NBA Champion
Tiktok is a cesspool, straight gender wars on there. If its not the video its the comments that got people fighting. Probably will never stop anytime soon, somalis live for division and hate.

