I hate Richard Lynn

I read up on this pasty f*ggot and goddamn. Based on the quotes he's made, he doesn't mince words about being a proud racist who wants to genocide non-whites to "save Europe". 🤣 He's an openly proud white supremacist and regularly did meetings with extreme far-right people. He wasn't just some "poor 'ol scientist who was simply asking questions".

Shit like this is why I wish you lot would stop entertaining "IQ" or even make jokes about it. It's self defeating and embarrassing.
I’m 17 and currently not looking for marriage 🙅🏽‍♀️ that was a joke.
He is 16 actually, about your age, and already 6 foot 2.

But may Allah bless all the young generation coming up. I believe you have good character, that is what real Islam is about.

Don't let the hateful bunch make you give up on Islam and spirituality.

Ps. Its just a joke, dont take any of this seriouslyn

Back to the topic. That guy had an agenda that seems to have worked. Who needs enemies or racists, when Somalis themselves repeat the 68Iq mantra all the time. I always cringe when I see Somalis mention it. They are literally cursing themselves.
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