I got the Animal Farm treatment . Serious post

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others” is a quote from Animal Farm by George Orwell.

Bro, I just got fired and feel that I was unfairly discriminated, despite my old job literally run’s things like PC principal from South Park. I got accused of bullying of a person I NEVER speak to and yelling at her( I. The reason why I raised my voice was to tell not send her dogs into room without informing before hand due to safety reasons 2. The room was extremely loud due all the dogs in her room barkin. 3. I was agitated because I told several times before within that same day.)
The company interjected their progressive Marxist ideology into their business and hiring policies. They purposely hire degenerates from every trailer park and project building who calls off because they get into ghetto shenanigans the night before. Like with other companies do that to save money, but start these bums over the starting rate and the starting rate is a dollar fifty above the minimum wage!!!!

Within the three years being employed there, I've only find officially written up ONCE, there's was no group meeting or given any intervention, or harassment training or therapy classes. I say all these because they have a whole team allegedly for those type of things . I got told to basically check my privilege by the manager
The old manager was a SUPER feminist light skinned hotep maadow chick named Gabby who tried to write me up on time for tardiness but she was a hour late that day and joked a lot it .
And let one of her friends take an extra hour on his break to pick up his kids and I had to stay 30-45 minutes extra to cover for him.


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