I don’t know how to talk to girls


E pluribus unum
Laugh at me all you want but I genuinely don’t know how to talk to girls

Like wtf do you even say? Hey? Wassup? What you doing?

I get all nervous and start stuttering and being awkward and fidgeting idk what’s wrong with me
approach them as if you just wanna get to know them, if u go up to them with any other goal its gonna be stressful.
Try cold approaching and speaking to strangers, ask about their day, plans for weekend, their classes if youre a student.

i started off just saying hi to random girls and smiling, got a customer service job during summer and learnt small talk. They aint some type of complex people, usually theyre also just as shy imo.
Also u gotta be confident, go to the gym, take up a self defence class, do something physical and if you arent really ugly youll be fine. Imo try speaking white girls theyre friendly and open to talk.

its easier if youre in college tbh, the girls are real easy to talk to and hang out w


E pluribus unum
approach them as if you just wanna get to know them, if u go up to them with any other goal its gonna be stressful.
Try cold approaching and speaking to strangers, ask about their day, plans for weekend, their classes if youre a student.

i started off just saying hi to random girls and smiling, got a customer service job during summer and learnt small talk. They aint some type of complex people, usually theyre also just as shy imo.
Also u gotta be confident, go to the gym, take up a self defence class, do something physical and if you arent really ugly youll be fine. Imo try speaking white girls theyre friendly and open to talk.

its easier if youre in college tbh, the girls are real easy to talk to and hang out w
Thank you walaal, this is extremely helpful

I think part of it that I’m awkward when it comes to conversations in general, I’ve gotten much better this past few years and gained some confidence luckily but it’s still an issue. Small talk was never my thing
Thank you walaal, this is extremely helpful

I think part of it that I’m awkward when it comes to conversations in general, I’ve gotten much better this past few years and gained some confidence luckily but it’s still an issue. Small talk was never my thing
yeah i feel u, its not always ur fault some girls r like that. Gotta learn to take the hint if she replies with dead stuff or isnt moving the convo with you.

Also eye contact, hard at first but just look at her forehead or eyebrows if u cant at her eyes. Are u still in school/uni?
You lack inner self-confidence. Focus on yourself such as being physically fit, stacking your bread (or if you are young focus on your education and future plans), learn to dress well, find some hobbies and I guarantee you will get some self-confidence. Deep inner self-confidence is key not just for getting girls (which will be easy) but will also help you generally to be successful in life.