I can't seem to join that Coli forum, a cesspool of the cursed Madoows. How does one join that place

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
are they so full that they can't accept new members?

I wanna join there so that I can defend the nation and put some senses into their heads.

I read what they wrote about us


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Too many members, they capped it a while ago. Its impossible to sign up now
they closed registration a while back due to trolls
I'm pretty sure you can bypass that by logging in to google, facebook and twitter
I'm not sure tho


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
they closed registration a while back due to trolls
I'm pretty sure you can bypass that by logging in to google, facebook and twitter
I'm not sure tho
You can't do that either.
What is the demographic over there? Is it full of the cursed afro-American?
Its AA central 98% of AA. They're all ghetto. They have a special kind of cuqdaad against cadaans :mjlol:
Somalis referring to black americans as "cursed"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahhahahhahahhahahahahah! Rahtid@!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahhahahhahahhahahahahah! Rahtid@!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm deadin over here Rasclat!!!!


The coli seems like a really cool forum, I have a lot of AA friends. I really think we can learn so much from each other :)


DalJecel the DhafoorQiiq
Somalis referring to black americans as "cursed"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahhahahhahahhahahahahah! Rahtid@!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahhahahhahahhahahahahah! Rahtid@!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm deadin over here Rasclat!!!!
Ala Madow aya nasoo galay. Compton is that way bish

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
Somalis referring to black americans as "cursed"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahhahahhahahhahahahahah! Rahtid@!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahhahahhahahhahahahahah! Rahtid@!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm deadin over here Rasclat!!!!
What stupid language is this? Do you know how to communicate properly you cotton picking slave?
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