I can't believe farmajao is our pres

Ibrahim hassan

Esteemed Excellency
Man it's like blessed dream. Allah Akbar, having such great leader and we are seeing his accomplishments as we speak 3 years and he changed Somalia.


Man it's like blessed dream. Allah Akbar, having such great leader and we are seeing his accomplishments as we speak 3 years and he changed Somalia.

He sure did change Somalia international community meet him in shipping containers in xalane, knowing full well he is trusteeship. Trusteeship means u don't own your security like when Abdullahi Issa was president wuxu ahaa trusteeship, lama oran karo first president, hawiye iyo @Lex Luther ayaa iska bunbuniya run ahanti, it doesn't convince darod ama 'way xusi lahayeen' in PL not just in Hamar iyo Galmudug. Mogadishu is in a trusteeship, amisom, turk, eritrea will do the security while the govt is slowly taught how to function again, while international community remains in xalane. Beautiful, this is how it should be. While PL remains independent kingdom sidu ahan jiray majerteniya oo kale. History doesnt cahnge waryaa, its repeated u see it like it was before JUST NOW

Hamar is a place where foreigners have always ruled. The arabs were the first, then ottoman era, then ajuuran era(was somali but hawiye killed them off too), then italian era, then trusteeship era like how farmajo is now abdullahi issa was the same no control of any govt function or service delivery kkk, just learning how to dress and protocols. Can ppl stop saying Somalia is in trusteeship, cuz thats what they wud say about majerteniya kingdom who had sultan ruler like puntland president and ally as italy giving him arms to do his own security, now dubai gives us arms. No difference to our history, hamar no difference to theyre history. Isaaq wa lamid back to british somaliland iyo gumaystihi haysan jiray, he has to go to london. What makes me furious is the somalis who don't see the correlation, waa dad indhahooda arki karin that history repeats itself, u cant change what u were before sxb, thats why its paramount u declare who u r before 1960 and when Somali met, or we have to class you as ZOO ANIMAL BECAUE ONLY ANIMALS DONT RESPOND IF U ASK THEM THIS QUESTION, SO IF UR HUMAN AND U DONT RESPOND, THEN ANIMAL CATEGORY KU SUGAYSO OF AUSTRALIA FLORA AND FAUNA FOR NATIVES.
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