I ask for your forgivness {Everyone so gal}

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Joesph Muktaar

I am the Andy Dufernse of this site
I speak all to you like Human beings, I will speak to you like Banu Adam, A person who is supposed to be treated with respect. After leading Salah in my local Masjid I read this Ayah which is a Dua mentioned by Adam peace be upon him, When he eat from The Tree when God told him not too.
What did Adam say after he eat from that Tree,

Our Lord, We have wronged ourselves. If You forgive us not, and bestow not upon us Your Mercy, we shall certainly be of the losers.

After I finished Salatul Ishaa and the Sunnah I walk out of the Masjid and Remember the gift that Allah has bestowed to Adam peace be upon him which was Repentance, I remember that we inherited this gift from God, until I had to say Sorry and ask for your forgiveness after I asked God's forgiveness. I am really sorry, For lying infront of your faces about me and Mujahid being Khalid Al Hussein.

I am sorry, and my friend is sorry. There is a guilt on my heart that I joke around with my friends name.

I am sorry for those who I have tease, Cyber bullied and abused.

I am sorry for teasing Christians, Atheists and Sufis.

I am sorry for using my friend's name and made multiple accounts on this site

I am sorry @Amun and @Prince Abubu about your beliefs in God and threatening you.

I am sorry @Abdijohnson and @Kaleel for threatening you.

I am sorry to those I teased, and those I lied and those I cursed upon.

I am sorry to everyone, So accept my repentance and Apology.

I promise that this mess will never happen, I promised that no one will get teased or threaten. I promised you will get your respect.

I am only want two things fom you people to let my account go on, and to treat me with respect.

Give those two and Wallah (and By God) everyone will gain my respect.
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