I am going back to work since last Thursday.

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Queen Carawelo

I am going grocery shopping inshallah. I am going to bake cookies, muffins, cupcakes and make Somali tea tomorrow morning at the office. I am going to throw an office party for my arrival because I am dreading the work that's waiting for me. So I will bribe my coworkers with food and let them do the work for me.

I enjoyed sleeping in and doing nothing for the last couple of days even though I was coughing like a mad man. My nose is still stuffed but no more headaches alxamdullillah..

Queen Carawelo


But I abused netflix while I was on bed..

Watched Korean drama and Old episodes of Gossip Girl. My high school days had the best shows...
Idman, take xabatul-sawda (black seeds) and malab (honey) every morning unless you're allergic to it. That will boost the immune system, and ever since I started, I have less amount of headache.
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