Hundreds of Kenyan students flee university fearing an Al Shabaab attack

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HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Students were seeking accommodation outside the campus in the town of Eldoret after it was revealed that four missing students allegedly joined the Somali Islamic extremist group al-Shabab, which has claimed responsibility for the April 2 gun attack on Garissa University that killed 148 people, student leader Alex Mbugua said.

University Vice Chancellor Richard Mibey said rumors that the four missing students had threatened to come back to attack the institution were causing the panic. Heavily armed policemen were deployed to the campus, which has about 30,000 people, but students still were not confident about their security.


Citizen of Southwest State
Kenyan students are being targeted by a terrorist organization. With that being said, the police are securing their safety in coordination with the army.

They care about their future unlike people in Somalia who are like lambs to the slaughter.


Al Kabaab are multi ethnic. One of the most dangerous Al Kabaab members was a white British man who beheaded over 50 Kenyans in Lamu district. Recently a Kenyan footballer went to join them and several other Kenyans. The weird thing about this is that they're in Eldoret which is a Masai area and they usually target Christians in Muslim areas.
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Citizen of Southwest State
Al Kabaab are multi ethnic. One of the most dangerous Al Kabaab members was a white British man who beheaded over 50 Kenyans in Lamu district. Recently a Kenyan footballer went to join them and several other Kenyans. The weird thing about this is that they're in Eldoret which is a Masai area and they usually target Christians in Muslim areas.
gedo_gurl, you would love to see Kenya become like your failed state but that will never happen.


Citizen of Southwest State
Well, it seems as though all lives matter except for the lives of Somalis. Whenever a terrorist attack happens in any country, for example in Kenya, it is condemned by the international community. Somalis have been killing themselves for 25+ years without the international community even flinching. Somali lives don't matter to the rest of the world and clearly, they don't matter to other Somalis. :meleshame:


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Well, it seems as though all lives matter except for the lives of Somalis. Whenever a terrorist attack happens in any country, for example in Kenya, it is condemned by the international community. Somalis have been killing themselves for 25+ years without the international community even flinching. Somali lives don't matter to the rest of the world and clearly, they don't matter to other Somalis. :meleshame:

If you were killed in a terrorist attack in Kenya, would the Kenyan authorities care? You're an ethnic Somali and a Muslim, so how much press would your death get?
@Duchess, the last University attack was carried out by Somalis from Gaarisa and the NFD surrounding areas.

I feel bad for OG Somali Sijues cousins, they have been living under Kenyan occupation for over 50+ yrs.

They are very docile and have that look of defeat on their face.

LooL and they are all bro Kenyans.


Citizen of Southwest State
If you were killed in a terrorist attack in Kenya, would the Kenyan authorities care? You're an ethnic Somali and a Muslim, so how much press would your death get?
What kind of asinine question is that? Of course the authorities would care. What does me being Somali or Muslim have to do with it? As a citizen of Kenya, I would enjoy the same rights as any other Kenyan citizen. We are discussing Kenya, not the lawless failed state.

@Duchess, the last University attack was carried out by Somalis from Gaarisa and the NFD surrounding areas.

I feel bad for OG Somali Sijues cousins, they have been living under Kenyan occupation for over 50+ yrs.

They are very docile and have that look of defeat on their face.

LooL and they are all bro Kenyans.

There is no such thing as occupation in Kenya. There are many Ogaden citizens of Kenya and they are thriving in Kenyan society. The biggest troublemakers in Kenya are the Garre and the Degodia, who are constantly killing each other. They should be deported to the lawless failed state.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
@Duchess, the last University attack was carried out by Somalis from Gaarisa and the NFD surrounding areas.

I feel bad for OG Somali Sijues cousins, they have been living under Kenyan occupation for over 50+ yrs.

They are very docile and have that look of defeat on their face.

LooL and they are all bro Kenyans.

They were still Kenyan citizens. @HalyeeyQaran wants undocumented Somalis gone but what about his fellow Somali Kenyans who commit acts of terror?


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
What kind of asinine question is that? Of course the authorities would care. What does me being Somali or Muslim have to do with it? As a citizen of Kenya, I would enjoy the same rights as any other Kenyan citizen. We are discussing Kenya, not the lawless failed state.

You said "all lives matter except for the lives of Somalis"... Aren't you Somali?:mjpls:


Citizen of Southwest State
You said "all lives matter except for the lives of Somalis"... Aren't you Somali?:mjpls:
Do you have difficulty with reading comprehension? I clearly stated, "it seems as though Somali lives don't matter," considering how Somalis kill each other with the indifference of both the Somali and international community.

The terrorists who attacked the university in Garissa weren't weren't citizens of Kenya, they infiltrated the border from Somalia. Virtually all terrorist attacks in Kenya are undertaken by terrorists from Somalia. With the construction of the border wall, we won't have to worry about this anymore.
LooL Caqli Ogaden. For someone who is Qabiileste, he should know that more than half of those in Kakuma, Dhadhaab and Utanga were D.Block.

Heck, even that dude who swam all the way to Canada from Dhadhaab was Ogaden.

I always believed NFD and Ogadenia should be part of Somalia, but i am having 2nd thoughts now.

OG's would bring the collective IQ of Somalis down by double digits if they part of Somalia.

LooL Doqonkii OG, bilaash looma dhihin dadkaan.



HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Do you have difficulty with reading comprehension? I clearly stated, "it seems as though Somali lives don't matter," considering how Somalis kill each other with the indifference of both the Somali and international community.

You're the only one making the distinction between Somalis from Somalia and other ethnic Somalis. To the world, you're just another and your death will go unnoticed. Count your blessings that the US took you in.


LooL Caqli Ogaden. For someone who is Qabiileste, he should know that more than half of those in Kakuma, Dhadhaab and Utanga were D.Block.

Heck, even that dude who swam all the way to Canada from Dhadhaab was Ogaden.

I always believed NFD and Ogadenia should be part of Somalia, but i am having 2nd thoughts now.

OG's would bring the collective IQ of Somalis down by double digits if they part of Somalia.

LooL Doqonkii OG, bilaash looma dhihin dadkaan.

There isn't alot of darod left in refugee camps they have no reason to all there areas are safe:kanyeshrug:
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