HSM keeps on traveling

Hassan Sheikh Mohamud keeps on traveling. It seems like he is always in search of Foreign trips. He is rarely present in Somalia. He leaves the country whenever he gets the opportunity to travel. Most of his travels don't have any notable impact on ordinary Somali citizens. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud needs to invest his energy, time, and resources in leading Somalia. Not traveling every month. It's ridiculous to know the cost and return of these foreign trips for the President and his entourage. These foreign trips also serve no purpose for the vast majority of the Somali people.

Trade agreements, visa waivers, or investments are almost never signed. We can barely get Kenya to grant our people visa-free travel. HSM is the new traveling president of Somalia. He needs to focus his attention on Dadka Somaliyeed. By the way, I have nothing personal against HSM. I think he has a lot of potential to turn Somalia into a great nation. Let me know your thoughts. Jazakallahu khair.

