How Would You Survive Homeless

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I would consider even stealing things related to safety and weather. Like the best electric blanket thats so expensive or whatever it is, cause u got a reason that is honorable to justify it with but u offset the cost that wud go into paying for it and your savings tanking.

Dont steal if u dont have too but if u do choose whats moral and whats huge cost in the end so u save ya dimes and if u do steal plan where its best chance of getting away with it because they wont show u mercy if u stealing money from drunks and sick folk in hospital lol so u need to balance that risk by doing it slowly not taking their whole wallet just a bit here and there so no eyebrows raise up lol. So those bits here and there u add it all up thats a nice sum for you and good days job and keep it limited dont share your survial with others as they will end up doing stupid things and end your lifeline. Keep it to yourself or at the very least limit who knows and balance if they are beneficial to you for u weighing up the risk of them sharing it all out.


I dare u to show yourself.
The most ideal situation is the end goal. You need to define what the end goal looks like in your head. Which is u circulating around hospitals during the week and adding to your finances without disturbing the security or making them realize something is wrong. Then its looking at the fri-sat nite and what u want see in the end. Then its working backwards and identifying each step to get there and refining constantly the techniques and steps and getting better. U need to identify bad case scenarios what happens if that lifeline is gone, whats going to back it up, is it worth losing that lifeline for a big one time gain, what happens with security and will rise up and ppl get suspicious and offguard.

For example if ur stealing, what do u need thats worth stealing and the risk involved which is getting caught, u need health right? so medicine wud be a good thing to thief as its useful out in that frickin cold but u balance it against getting caught and when they check ur pocket they will say AWWWWWWWWW HE JUST WANTED MEDICINE LOOOOOOOOOOL. So u counterbalanced the chance of getting caught and know u stand a good chance not being sent to jail and even if u do u like a RIGHTEOUS HERO BUT UR NOT you know its a lifeline health lol and cutting ur costs down whereever possible. U gotta think now sxb and survive, do right by yourself. It's even better backing up ya lifelines in-case they disappear, so u know where to go next, constantly planning this stuff i guess not just going out doing wild shit on emotions or wat others are doing but what looks reasonable, less risk, and if their is a risk how u offset it
There are two people on this planet. Shooters and those who contemplate and over analyze shit and theorize in their heads what they’re gonna do for when shit goes south. It’s good to have people like u for when shit goes south. You’ll doubt and over think and try to come up with the best scenario where all parties win. But you also gotta have people like me for when u get stuck and doubt. Coz I’ll shoot first and ask questions later.

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Transport wud be an issue though, so you wud need to always put something away from that as u catch the train or bus to your hunting grounds lol. While always scanning for new opportunities, ppl forget and just start sucking of the titties of what works, i will always keep looking for new opportunities and thinking incase that some how goes down on me.


There are two people on this planet. Shooters and those who contemplate and over analyze shit and theorize in their heads what they’re gonna do for when shit goes south. It’s good to have people like u for when shit goes south. You’ll doubt and over think and try to come up with the best scenario where all parties win. But you also gotta have people like me for when u get stuck and doubt. Coz I’ll shoot first and ask questions later.

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I dont live by doing anymore, it has to be imagined in my head or else I aint doing nothing. I dont play risks not when its my life on the line bro, u can go end up being shot if u want. I know god said u only get one shot sxb at this, there is no u can come back again and try. Now i have my plan ill go and begin executing it while u go around doing on emotion shit lol and become another carcas on the ground. When u start shooting your life is on the line also thats what u forget, thats what i dont forget cause it can go anyway that one. Sxb I dont play that BRAVERY SHIT or the G thug life style, cuz its only your ass going to be buried in the end or sitting with stab wounds. U dont get away living like this and survive for long, someone will get ur number one day. U basically increased the risks to your life bro and you watching over your back forever and they usually dont last look at the stats yourself.


I dare u to show yourself.
I dont live by doing anymore, it has to be imagined in my head or else I aint doing nothing. I dont play risks not when its my life on the line bro, u can go end up being shot if u want. I know god said u only get one shot sxb at this, there is no u can come back again and try. Now i have my plan ill go and begin executing it while u go around doing on emotion shit lol and become another carcas on the ground
A Thief is a Thief. Whether you’re a smart one or a dumb one. Not everyone is gonna be cool when u take their shit or steal their money. You gotta wrap it around ur head that you’re gonna get caught one day and what after that? Worse case scenario of a civil unrest, you’ll get killed brutally. I’ve lived through this shit in Africa too. Trust me, it’s not what u think. The worst of humanity comes out. No naxariis wallahi. Relatives would feel like a burden, like they’re slowing u down or they’ll leech on you like parasites. Grown ass men that cant defend themselves. Women that cannot cook. In this day and age if u don’t have no primal skill, you’re dead weight. You’re a waste of space. And it’s evident in this forum.
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A Thief is a Thief. Whether you’re a smart one or a dumb one. Not everyone is gonna be cool when u take their shit or steal their money. You gotta wrap it around ur head that you’re gonna get caught one day and what after that? Worse case scenario of a civil unrest, you’ll get killed brutally. I’ve lived through this shit in Africa too. Trust me, it’s not what u think.

Just becareful to increase your risk pool, the more enemies u make the higher likely someone is gonna get u one day, the least u keep, the better your outcome unless some wild unpredictable shit happens which is unlikely because humans dont usually do shit if there isnt a pressure or need, dont give em one thats the catch.


Its inevitable that u will make enemies, the point is just dont make 1000 of them. U just increased your risk. U see why those gangbangers die is they join a gang and increased their risk 100 fold even with ppl they dont even know. So now u wearing some color, but that opposing color has 1000 crew and you got 1000 enemies without even doing anything yourself. That's what the worst shit u can do for yourself. Limit your enemies at all times. There just simply isnt any logic that a gangbanger can survive long with those sort of numbers up against him and the sad thing is HE DIDNT EVEN DO ANYTHING HIMSELF to them, it's that group he is reppin and he is wearing their risk looooooooooool. Work individually it's best for all.

There really is nothing u can tell me that will convince me to wear that risk and all i will get is being a carcass on the street eventually, I am not wearing someone else risk that's probably the worst thing u can do. Their surely isnt anything brave about being a dead carcass on the ground, you just lost the whole point of life, u eliminated from the whole game lol, which is to be alive lol. It's even worse when your dying for someone else beef(a gang color).
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I dare u to show yourself.
Its inevitable that u will make enemies, the point is just dont make 1000 of them. U just increased your risk. U see why those gangbangers die is they join a gang and increased their risk 100 fold even with ppl they dont even know. So now u wearing some color, but that opposing color has 1000 crew and you got 1000 enemies without even doing anything yourself. That's what the worst shit u can do for yourself. Limit your enemies at all times. There just simply isnt any logic that a gangbanger can survive long with those sort of numbers up against him and the sad thing is HE DIDNT EVEN DO ANYTHING HIMSELF to them, it's that group he is reppin and he is wearing their risk looooooooooool. Work individually it's best for all.

There really is nothing u can tell me that will convince me to wear that risk and all i will get is being a carcass on the street eventually, I am not wearing someone else risk that's probably the worst thing u can do. Their surely isnt anything brave about being a dead carcass on the ground, you just lost the whole point of life, u eliminated from the whole game lol, which is to be alive lol. It's even worse when your dying for someone else beef(a gang color).
Death is inevitable. But I get why u wanna live for as long as u can.. It’s totally human.


Death is inevitable. But I get why u wanna live for as long as u can.. It’s totally human.

Well if u don't work on a plan for yourself, you will end up doing wild random shit like you just were saying and that also comes with wild random reactions looooooooool and it's a matter of time your number is called out. If u don't have a plan u wasting your time. By planning where to operate as homeless person, u now know what to do. Mon-fri stalk hospitals, slowly bit by bit, randomly go thru drawers, steal a little dont end up having them locking all drawers. Move on fri-sat steal from drunks but do it reasonably so the cops dont end up coming and warning ppl their is theives outside lol. Move on give loans to ppl that u know pay back so when things r slow, u got another avenue. Steal and take the risk but stalk supermarkets and steal things that R HIGH costs yet moral like medication, blankets, etc and if u busted u offset it with ur homeless and just want to be warm and not sick. Sleep in safe areas like retirement village car parks and if u have a car its better, u not watching over back and worrying who is gonna harm u, u get a good nite sleep. Sit down with homeless feed off their exp so u dont waste time doin shit they already tried. It's planned, calculated, its weighed up, risks analyzed, where its risky its offsetted, the chances r good.

Now enter ACTION MODE not BLINDLY like u just randomly doing shit on the streets. Soup kitchen and food source covered say high develop friends act like u dead broke also, u got gas in the belly to keep moving to achieve the next goals. U got the bedding right and safe and getting good sleep. U got the health lifeline working and stalking random supermarkets plus offsetted any risk if caught ur stealing moral things and chances they let u go is good and if they dont society will be like AWWWWWWWWWWWWW this covers you from being sick u cant move without health. Ur basically seeing the reactions for every move u basically make and offsetting any risk if caught. Objective is what? survival. Then ur expanding your backup lifelines, finding among the homeless who does pull in money and can prove he has paid it back and giving him small loans first like 50 bucks or watever is small depending on whats in ur saving, if he is prick, u lost only a small amount never trust him again.

Think before u move is the key or u gonna be like those animals in the wild and its a matter of time before the clock stops ticking on ur ass. I would prefer maybe 3-4 man crew that highly trustworthy. The more ppl involved yet less the more u can do together. Ill do my plan but ill get them in areas with begging bowl where its successful. We end like a little corporation sharing our loot porportionate to what we all bring in so if u aint doing good he maybe and its all offsetted in one way or another. Id start homeless corporation loooooooooool
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Homeless corporation where you get a nice little growth rate depending on our of pool money and how much u put in - how much actually grew. So if u put in 5 bucks, there is 1000 dollars alredy there in pool, if it grows to 1200, u will get 5 bucks whatever tht is in percentage relative to the growth of 200 bucks looooooooooool. The more u put in, the higher ur dividend returns but also you will cop the loss if things arent growing lol. If that 1000 dollar dwindles and all u had was 5 bucks in there, you will be given your percentage of the loss divided by all shareholders, so u may not end up with anything.

I would really consider setting something like that up in spare time while doing my active duties lol. U cant just rely on what u doing now, u gotta have new lifelines opening up. We will need to divide it up into equity and dividends, if they actually want share of the 1000 dollars sitting in there or just residual profit on their share. Both have advantages. If that money grows to 1 million in a 1 year, if he put in 300, he owns like 30% of watever that is and walks away fairly well off. If he just want dividends it will be based on the growth of the profits only relative to the capital sitting there so its smaller margins.

So dont pay that guy who wants just equity any dividend payments he dont deserve it considering he waiting for that pool to grow unless of course he wants a mix of equity or dividends then work it fairly.
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Then we will need to sort out @Basra cant let the dick give u struggles also and start living it good untill we make it out of the streets and get a home.


It will be interesting what happens to when ur capital is actually linked to some actually goods or services, cause that shit is expenses, if ur capital aint paying your expenses anymore, there is no way u can keep doing what your doing let alone turn over a profit. Must get nasty when you actually own a debt to someone, cause he will come in and take whatever is left of the capital, any recovery of your debt basically is better then NO RECOVERY. I guess banks need to know that capital is actually linked to something valuable so they come and repossess it when u cant pay for it anymore lol and if its a business you cant keep turning over a profit so they will come in and collect watever is left inside even the chairs, bank balances(hide that offshore), consider if its worth renting a building or buying it cause they will take that if u own it looooooooool and u cop another loss.

If the bank is coming sxb, just have the hand raised no assets locally. Buy somewhere your assets outside that country, just be a nice renter, link your profits and store it overseas and just keep enough to survive on and pay your rent, so when they come for that they see its broke. Their not nice sxb they will even take your clothes as it has value.

The only thing is sxb I think they slap you with a credit rating or something so ur black listed as unreliable loser to give money lol so u gotta work out a way to not get into that list and i think its even 5 years before they remove you from it.

Keep any valuable assets outside the place u operating so you not linked to the banks territory cause they coming for it if you dont pay them back and u walk away far worserrrrrrrrr wallet wise or at the very least put it on your family member name but that's a risk they may claim it one day and start legal issue lol or they may have laws to come after your family if u state them as protection.

Overseas looks like the only shot and even then probably not under your name, u need to eliminate anyway they can link assets to you cause they wont let u get away with it u just owe them money. Funny thing is how long the banks watch u for, is it for a few years or just after one time they do investigation to know ur really broke and have nothing in terms of asset or capital or investments? it will be a prick if their watching your movements for a long period of time within the country, cause they can find out if you bought something or not and knock on that door again and charge interest for the time off ur debt, ill study it but u dont want them getting a cent back.
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Ive thought about it sometimes back in the day what if u just went to the back and had high paying job and asked for a business loan or mortgage but without COLLATERAL and just take that millions and runnnnn to another country and never come back looooooooooool. U wud definitely need some fake identity to pull it off looooool.

How do we pull of a fake identity? go thru ppl letter boxes and find names, addresses, and personal information? then go to an agency saying how u lost your identity papers overseas and get them to give u one based on those details? we need to know wat they actually seek when creating a new identity or do we scavenge for dead people. The goal is once u got those identity bro it's fuckin on and were going to the bankkkkkkkkkkkkkk. I feel critical would be it is someone of same gender, race, and age cause they properly got his image on the database the closer the better. Hospital wud be start and ask for birth certs to be given, u need to work the identity papers up bro. U got a birth certificate now u look for the next identifier u need a driver licence? u say hey i only ot a birth cert i cant provide the others and work that one i nto your pile of evidences and just keep getting as many as needed and ur new man.

U dont want a fake stolen identity, u want real ones that cant be claimed by others preferrably, the dead guys wud be best lol and working up who they were, banks, etc. Speak to their relative just to get their bank details u know casually hey i remember john he was a mate of mine im sorry he passed dude but what bank did he used to go with but slyyyyyyyyyyyy so they get no inkling of anything. I think u can pull this shit off sxb, if u know exactly where to start.

The first place u wanna start is the birth certificate dept and find out what they want to give u one and start working backwards to get those details, bit by bit and making linkages along the way.
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child of afgooye
Beg for change till I can finally afford a laptop, then I’ll find a fast food spot that has wifi and a power outlet to charge my laptop, download FL studio and learn how to produce beats, sell the beats and use the money to rent out a place to live and find an internet provider so I can keep working :diddyass:


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Beg for change till I can finally afford a laptop, then I’ll find a fast food spot that has wifi and a power outlet to charge my laptop, download FL studio and learn how to produce beats, sell the beats and use the money to rent out a place to live and find an internet provider so I can keep working :diddyass:

How about get a job that pays? Less trouble
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