Omar would not be like by the majority of the population. I think she would be fine in Somaliland. I think she has a chance with the Kenyan Somalis. Republicans fell to understand that she would seen as a heretic for embracing non conservative values and gender roles. Also, embracing the black identity would rub the nationalist Somalis the wrong way. Her only saving grace is she's Muslim. Also, my boyfriend's mum said that I should love Obama because Kenyans and Somalis are brothers. She thinks he looks Somali and he would be welcomed in Somalia. I'm not sure. I think Obama's passive aggressive would seen as weak. Michelle would be hated. The Clinton's would give off the white Savior aura that lead to them dying. Same with Bernie Sanders and he's a Jew. A Jew in Somalia trying tell Somalis to share the money with other Africans and taking away all private business is not going to be pretty. I think the only Democrat that has a chance of respect is Andrew Yang. I don't know why. What would happen if AOC came there?! This would be very interesting. As for the right wing, I think Thomas Sowell, Candace Owens and Ron Paul would be liked. Jordan Peterson I could see actually getting along with Somalis. Ronald Reagan and the Bushes wouldn't last because their sense of superiority would be constantly threatened and their statist mindset would trigger a need to control. I think Eric July would greatly respected there. What do you think ? Would Obama or Omar be accepted in Somalia ? I'm more curious about that because everyone thinks I'm suppose to love them, but I'm not sure how completely a full-blooded nationalist Somali would think ? Only from the perspective of an ancap mudblood.