As Puntites we have strong points referring to history showing the story of the south was one of 'colonialism' and therefore they never knew how to form a government without outside intervention. Even in 1960 the Italians passed them onto the SYL party which was PL founded party like the SFG is today to 'cover their nakedness' as Halimo Soofe would once proudly say on youtube video that made me inspire to investigate her claim 'Hawiye wuxu insaan ku yahay darod ku dhex jirkisa, hada waa hayaanki'. That made me think why would a poet like her say something if it isn't true.
Anyways the South needs to accept it's historical role being passed from one colony to a PL government, there is no other option, even GM in the past chose to join the Keenadiid Sultanate and in loo 'asturo ceebtisa' aduunka. Look at him today he is still naked same with all Hirshabelle. These are historical reasons because Puntland was an active kingdom similar to the region at the time where-as the rest of the nation were not 'kingdoms' and lived just wild animals looting and stealing and killing like we saw in Hamar, they would do this in 'nomadic setting' and why PL always had 'treaty' with them or 'green line' to keep their ungoverned ass contained'.
Now to prove Hawiye cannot create a government and so the world doesn't think this PL just running around with some supremacy project. Lets propose a scientific test. Let's give Hawiye 6 months, 'defined financial funds', and a safe place to meet in GM. No-one will interfere in their process and the world and Somalis can see with their own eyes it will end in failure again as they don't know the functions of a government, they are trying to 'learn' this on the 'fly' without looking 'silly' to the world.
So who-ever has a problem with PL being racist, then let's see with our eyes if hawiye can create a government because Somalis know the truth they can't, they are now 'covered ceebtooda from the world with the SFG' Sitting in an 'Somali administration' before they were looting, killing, raping, and talking about Darod like South african bantus do today regarding Whites who left. If PL leaves them and doesn't ensure their in colony, it will be 'reserve' area with a 'treaty' and this is the best way for the world and PL to ensure safety to themselves and the world.
Anyways the South needs to accept it's historical role being passed from one colony to a PL government, there is no other option, even GM in the past chose to join the Keenadiid Sultanate and in loo 'asturo ceebtisa' aduunka. Look at him today he is still naked same with all Hirshabelle. These are historical reasons because Puntland was an active kingdom similar to the region at the time where-as the rest of the nation were not 'kingdoms' and lived just wild animals looting and stealing and killing like we saw in Hamar, they would do this in 'nomadic setting' and why PL always had 'treaty' with them or 'green line' to keep their ungoverned ass contained'.
Now to prove Hawiye cannot create a government and so the world doesn't think this PL just running around with some supremacy project. Lets propose a scientific test. Let's give Hawiye 6 months, 'defined financial funds', and a safe place to meet in GM. No-one will interfere in their process and the world and Somalis can see with their own eyes it will end in failure again as they don't know the functions of a government, they are trying to 'learn' this on the 'fly' without looking 'silly' to the world.
So who-ever has a problem with PL being racist, then let's see with our eyes if hawiye can create a government because Somalis know the truth they can't, they are now 'covered ceebtooda from the world with the SFG' Sitting in an 'Somali administration' before they were looting, killing, raping, and talking about Darod like South african bantus do today regarding Whites who left. If PL leaves them and doesn't ensure their in colony, it will be 'reserve' area with a 'treaty' and this is the best way for the world and PL to ensure safety to themselves and the world.