How to say eraser in Somali language?

There are many words for eraser in Somali language. There are approximately 15 words for eraser. There is no single word that every Somali agreed as the one in that supposed to be use by every Somali However there are few word every Somali understand for several reason it is Somali word in origin and it make sense for kids. Also, these words that the one you’ll find in Somali dictionaries and textbook for first graders.

• Tirtira
• biiso / Bi’iso
• masaxo

of all these three words Tirtira is the most frequently used word for eraser. It is Standard Somali.
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Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Goomo is the official word, a loan from Italian.

A tire store is called goomiiste, as they work with rubber.
Tirtira is the only one I would understand out of the ones mentioned, but I just say it in English really (though I'd say rubber not eraser).

My Somali is trash though :francis:

