How to say Caracal in Af Somali (Guduudane)

@backgroundISneeded Caracal in Af Soomaali is Guduudane

@backgroundISneeded Fun fact Al Saghani mentioned the Barbar (Somali were sometimes referred to as Barbar) word for Caracal was Kaduud all the way back in the 1200s. Taj al-ʿArus Min Jawahir al-Qamus by Al Zabidi in the 1700s also mentions the Barbar word for Caracal was Kaduud.
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A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Caracals are very unique and fascinating creatures I remember watching a episode on wild kratts about it as a kid.
Yes, this is correct. This animal is called guduudane.

I'm not reer miyi. I didn't grow up seeing often xayawaanka duurjoogta. My father confirmed this image and the name. He said this animal has different colors: there are dark guduudane and white guduudane. I think they probably have albino like jaguars and black panthers. However, mostly they are reddish in color. He said when he was a kid, waxaraha ayuu ka cuni jiray. There are a lot of guduudane in Geyiga Soomaalida, especially in southern Somalia.

