Add any information and examples, that may save a sister one day.

You ever seen a girl, that has some man/men in their DMs, whatsapp,etc, for months, or even years and it doesn't go anywhere? Well here is the explanation:

1. Breadcrumbing.

What is it?

Read here:


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How does this apply to the Muslim marriage process? Where's the Wali? Are the two families not communicating? This "do-it-on-your-own" behavior will lead to these games. Why are Somalis in the West ashamed to have family input? They cut family out of the marriage process and are surprised when they get played. I promise no man is going to do this breadcrumbing with his father involved in the marriage process. I honestly think this is because Somalis in the West forgot marriage is business/love not just the ladder.

How does it apply? Well, there are guys who breadcrumb Muslimah girls, by lovebombing and then applying these manipulation tactics. Unfortunately, not all women recognise these signs, or maybe they do, but don't know exactly how it works. Either way it does happen, even if they have been introduced through family, these kind of people don't care or they think they are too smart to be spotted.


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