How to not defend Islam and spread fitna. Cideena twitter joogo (cudur digital ah) wee waaladeen

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi

Quotes full of somalis and those pretending to be us spamming j word, being cunsuri etc. Islam spread by force and by trade. Funny thing is, those who used force were black africans reverts themselves. Africans, like other people are no saints. We need to keep that in mind because insinuating that africans if remained pagan would have been peaceful la-la land is false. Also africans have agency of their own. Forced conversations happened but any people can now freely drop Islam. Why they don’t do that? Because the people reverted due to their own will.

Also arab and trans-atlantic slave trade was facilitated by africans themselves, whether muslim, christian or pagan. I would even argue pagans were worse. A lot of paga ethnic groups in East Africa were collaborating with swahili slave traders, supplying them with countless slaves. The slave trade in West & Central Africa was mostly done by pagans. Muslims were no saints, one just needs to search Tippu Tipp.

Anyway, muslims need to counter this narrative that Islam in subsaharan africa was spread by slavery or colonialism. African rulerd reverted to Islam and from common folk mimiking the elite is how spread Islam so far. Also traders and sufis did a lot of work for Islam.

Quotes full of somalis and those pretending to be us spamming j word, being cunsuri etc. Islam spread by force and by trade. Funny thing is, those who used force were black africans reverts themselves. Africans, like other people are no saints. We need to keep that in mind because insinuating that africans if remained pagan would have been peaceful la-la land is false. Also africans have agency of their own. Forced conversations happened but any people can now freely drop Islam. Why they don’t do that? Because the people reverted due to their own will.

Also arab and trans-atlantic slave trade was facilitated by africans themselves, whether muslim, christian or pagan. I would even argue pagans were worse. A lot of paga ethnic groups in East Africa were collaborating with swahili slave traders, supplying them with countless slaves. The slave trade in West & Central Africa was mostly done by pagans. Muslims were no saints, one just needs to search Tippu Tipp.

Anyway, muslims need to counter this narrative that Islam in subsaharan africa was spread by slavery or colonialism. African rulerd reverted to Islam and from common folk mimiking the elite is how spread Islam so far. Also traders and sufis did a lot of work for Islam.
Twitter need to be banned it allwed for people who aren’t shit to post thier mentally retarded opinions


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