Sexually exploiting a stupid women who believes in superstitious nonsense her fualt not the mansHe's dry humping her looooool
wtf naa xishood. crying rape. hes exorcising her.I'm so disgusted this is rape
Why not just call it a brothel which exploits women ?also i love how he has her in lock and feels every inch of her flesh on his sacred body. it purrifies her whole body and soul.
I would like to open an establishment that caters to jinn possesed women in the west. we could do great work for our communities wellbeing
wtf naa xishood. crying rape. hes exorcising her.
Wtf it's like he's using some superstitious nonsense to help sexually molest these poor women !! Stupid women who believe in this nonsense it's their own fualt they get exploited haha
So many deviant wadaads these days. One American born Salafi preacher in England, Abu Usama At Thahabi, was exposed for getting blowjobs from multiple sisters in the Masjid:
More evidence by sisters here:
He made a YouTube vid denying the reports without ever explicitly mentioning what he was accused of. He's probably a relation of El Padrone.
He's helping her out, she's helping him out. Nothing wrong with sexual healing surely.I'm disgusted by her lack of sense and willingness to submit to being groped.
He's helping her out, she's helping him out. Nothing wrong with sexual healing surely.
I do khutba duty at my internationally renowned dugsi. I don't finger no sister. How dare you insult the ulama oh ye of little faith?Everyone knows becoming a preacher, sheik is the best way to get pussy and finesse people.
Pfft I used to tend to chubby hijabis after friday prayers. they were very into our after prayers ijma. the imam caught us but he was chill after getting some action himselfSo many deviant wadaads these days. One American born Salafi preacher in England, Abu Usama At Thahabi, was exposed for getting blowjobs from multiple sisters in the Masjid:
More evidence by sisters here:
He made a YouTube vid denying the reports without ever explicitly mentioning what he was accused of. He's probably a relation of El Padrone.
Do people even do it in bedrooms any more? Very old fashioned you. Most niggas unzip on the couch. Last chick I blasted was on the kitchen table.Take that sexual healing to the bedroom and call it what is. Akhis using religion to promote degeneracy.