avoid what you can. personally I don't consider things like student loans or mortgage essentials. they make your life more comfortable yes temporarily, but still its haram. For school there are other options like making payment plans per semester/quarter, but this means you don't get to move on until you complete your payments. however through hard work and sabr its definitely possible to live a comfortable life. If not this world is only temporary and we can still count our several blessings even if you can't get your post grad or you have to rent instead of owning, or getting a used car instead or new. with all those luxuries there isn't a good excuse to give for taking usury on the DOJ imo
Apply for scholarships by keeping your grades high. Get a cheap car and pay it in full or at least most of it. As for a mortgage, it depends on location and if you are a first time home buyer. Most Somalis can buy their homes in full with the hagbad money they get but they just choose to rent. Having your own property is great but you don’t have to buy a home if you can’t.
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