How my depression began


I am NOT a federal agent
Try to have quran playing in the house just generally throughout the day. Inshallah all will be well.


jUst keeping it REAL homie
I knew it, "LOVE" is overrated. I am happy that I grew up with toughness in my family. There was no love or sweet words.

I was told from a young age, "This is a cold world, get accustomed to it or die"

I am here Alhamdullilah and I have never been depressed in my 26 years in this life. I dont sweet talk others and I don't except others to sweet talk me.

This depression culture comes from families with love in their center and focus. Anything extreme can be bad, even love. Harsh environments creates strong and able people. Your brother needed sandals and belts as presents, not hugs and kisses. Dysfunctional families creates strong children.
Depression culture came from sons getting babied too much and not being disciplined to be strong ambition young men

and for girls it came from lack of duubo they need to be wed young and pleasured by our Somali boys.

lack of guidance and sexless life is at the core of the depression the youth are facing , i promise you anything else is merely a symptom of these two needs not being meet effectively and urgently.

