How Much Does GM/HS Politician Cost?


Seriously, how much does it 'cost' to buy myself a HG or Hawadle politician? In my twisted mind(very twisted I know), this reminds me of 'slavery days' when humans were purchased for labor, where-as these clans are purchased by the SFG to take ORDERS from their Masters in the SFG(during election cycles in Mogadishu). Maybe some HG or Hawadle or generally any Hawiye clan can comment on this. How much does it cost to buy beeshina? koley beesha waa BEEC. But their government in HS/GM is dependent at all times to Mogadishu election cycle, I can't even classify it as a state in all honesty.

Only people I see taking money from the SFG and then dividing up their people is always this clan, where-as other clans take the money but they never go back to their regions or stir up any trouble or cause any shift towards the SFG.

