How long before Af Maay Maay becomes the main dialect in South Somalia?

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Af maay maay, is a literal language, if it was a dialect then it will be called maay maay.

Contiuning why would it be a offical language when only couple percent speak it.

Af soomali is more sophisticated hence better.
Maay Maay is af Somali tho u idiot. Af maay maay is literally only spoken by ethnic Somalis, which makes it a Somali language.


With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland
I hope it dies soon, a language unites a nation. If there are multiple languages it will use disturbance. One of the reasons we don't speak France, English, Italian or Arabic on mass is because we have a single centralised language that unifies us. We broke our country lets not break the one unifying factor we have left.
Isn’t Af maay just as old as Af maxaa
And anyways D&M use standard soomali as a lingua franca, it’s not the language of the state tv, books or education so there’s no way it’ll overtake af maxaa. One tv station or a few radio station that present in af maay is nothing to worry about, they’re a growing population and ofc need represantation.
No one cares if you don’t like how it sounds, there’s chimini and other minority dialects Somalia is a big country.
Talking about linguistic unification, I’m sure most of you would understand around ~40% of what is said in the videos posted above. Af maay isn’t registered as another language but as a dialect waryaada
Isn’t Af maay just as old as Af maxaa
And anyways D&M use standard soomali as a lingua franca, it’s not the language of the state tv, books or education so there’s no way it’ll overtake af maxaa. One tv station or a few radio station that present in af maay is nothing to worry about, they’re a growing population and ofc need represantation.
No one cares if you don’t like how it sounds, there’s chimini and other minority dialects Somalia is a big country.

Somalis love acting as if being all the same did us any favours
People also like to predict a doomsday or an overtake by them. When in fact they are peaceful people who are farmers.
Somalis may soon be speaking Turkish slang, Amharic Creole and Zwahili voodoo pigdin. Af Maay is not a problem. Rahan Weyn or more correctly Reer Weyn(the old family) are the original Somali clan, hence the name.
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