How do you think Western countries will play out in 10-25 years time?

I understand Twitter and Reddit aren't a reflection of the real world and no matter how much qashin people come across you almost always will never encounter people with such beliefs in real life

However the rise of white supremacists and cuqdad towards any minority(non-white) people is also steadily rising and it seems the West and the reign of Europeans as a whole is coming to an end

Where do you see Europe and America in the next decades? Do you think a race war could spark? or will WW3 happen before that?
I feel like the immigration crisis worldwide is going to speed up the fuckery. What exactly? I wouldn’t know fam, I just know shit is gonna go left in our lifetime. :wow:
Destruction of the middle class, poverty and despair. Like what happened in the Dirty 30s then I feel like we will have a world war, new powers emerge and maybe many years after the war stability? Who even knows. The end of times is near.


Amaan Duule
I don't think a race war will happen in America. Europe may be different since overt racism and xenophobia seems to be more tolerated there.

An interesting insight that I read is a comparison of the American Empire (the West) to the Romans. In the Roman empire, you began with a kingdom that later morphed into a Republic. The Republic won several major wars with neighboring powers (like the Punic Wars) and eventually dominated the region. Afterward, the Republic experienced upheavals and strife until a strong autocrat (Caesar) gained control and turned the Republic into an Empire. The Empire went on survive for 400 more years until it eventually disintegrated.

America is similar to Rome. Originally, America was under a kingdom (Great Britain) until it gained independence and formed a Republic. This Republic won major wars against global powers (WW1 and WW2) and eventually dominated the world. If you wish to liken America to Rome, then we are currently in the late republican stage where we are beginning to see cracks in the Republic. This may lead to an American version of Caesar (Trump perhaps?) taking over and turning the country into an autocratic empire.

Either way, I think we will see major changes in the coming few decades. The late stage capitalist status quo cannot last.

(I don't really agree with a lot of this guy's takes, but he may be onto something here)
While the online shit is definitely exaggerated. It's not a completely lie. A lot of western economies especially in Europe have been in a slow decline which leads to rsetnemnt buidling up combined with ever increasing migration becuase of low fertility rates and the need for cheap labor. I don't know exactly what direction it will go in since immigrant labor is a necessity. Even poland that seems racist from social media is actually one of largest importers of skilled immigrants from places like India. The only thing we can say for sure is that the status quo can't remain the same.


Amaan Duule
AI will definitely play an interesting role. I think AI may end up taking a lot of jobs in the coming years which may lead to social unrest. I don't think AI will take everyone's job, but even an unemployment rate of 25% is enough to send society roiling. This AI will create a class of "useless humans", which the elites will deal with by sedating them with drugs and virtual reality machines. They will also make sure to keep their birth rates minimal so this class can die off quickly.

Destruction of the middle class, poverty and despair. Like what happened in the Dirty 30s then I feel like we will have a world war, new powers emerge and maybe many years after the war stability? Who even knows. The end of times is near.
Since the west is on borrowed time and 3rd world countries are starting to get their shit together

Do you think if Somalia plays it's cards right it could become a big player in it's region potentially even the continent

