How do you say ba´ayeey in ur accent


Pretend there is a title here
In the region I´m from we say ´Hogayeey´ and ´Ba´ayeey as exclamation of grief and pity

How do you spell and say it in ur accent


I pretty much try to say it as fast as I could, but with a pause before the ayeey

I make sure to say it the ayeey part really loud




In the region I´m from we say ´Hogayeey´ and ´Ba´ayeey as exclamation of grief and pity

How do you spell and say it in ur accent
Traditionally, men do not say ' ba'ayeey ', and in the event of a calamity, or a war, where one is on the brink of being devoured, esp, a young man of the weaker stock, under his breath, he might be tempted to say: ' tolla'ay oo tolla'ay ' or ' tolla'ay oo tol beelay '.

More common amongst men folk is: ' war yaa reer hebel aheey '.
Huh. It’s Somali and idk why u making it gendered as if males can’t feel grief

I am not making it to be, it’s the way it is. Same way u can not take a straight man serious if he does the gay hand movement and adds OMG whilst rolling his eyes.. that’s womenfolk behaviour..

the logical rule follows here below!


iyo wixi la mid ah nin rag ah dhimasho ayuu ka xigaa, ninki waxaas laga maqlo gabay baa loo tirin dhaxalkana nus buu ku leeyahay..
men can say it if they lose a child I believe, otherwise it’s wrong to say it, tolayeey is for men.
That’s still sus af. Where I come from even saying hogaayee is frowned upon let alone ba’yeey. Am sure its reer mudug/galgaduud culture to say ba’yeey I remember some guy saying there’s a cud clan that’s famous for it.

