How do you guys view Benadiris?

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Benadiri people are ok. However some are fucked up. I knew a benadiri boy who went around telling girls he was Spanish or Arab cause he was scared he would could rejected If he said he was Somali:what:


As i live and breathe
1. Cadcads number maybe 100,000. They are no threat to our homogeneity.

2. They've been in Somalia for 1000 years.

3. They have substantial Somali ancestry

Most of the actually came around the 1500's

'' The late 15th and 17th centuries saw the arrival of Muslim families from Arabia, Persia, India and Spain to the Ajuran Sultanate, the majority of whom settled in the coastal provinces. Some migrated because of the instability in their respective regions, as was the case with the Hadhrami families from the Yemen and the Muslims from Spain fleeing the Inquisition, Others came to conduct business or for religious purposes. Due to their strong tradition in religious learning, the new Muslim communities also enjoyed high status among the Somali ruling elite and commoners, and were frequently employed as religious advisers or received administrative positions, or served in the Ajuran army as soldiers and commanders. ''
Any reason why? I'm curious. Most ethnic Somalis are nice to me in person but I see hate towards reer xamar online.
ok stop your silly questions, most somalis live outside of mogadishu and couldnt give too fucks about some tribe there. yes hawiye went apeshit on you like he did other tribes but no one hates you which you think. madhibaans and Madows get a million times more racism than your people.
ok stop your silly questions, most somalis live outside of mogadishu and couldnt give too fucks about some tribe there. yes hawiye went apeshit on you like he did other tribes but no one hates you which you think. madhibaans and Madows get a million times more racism than your people.
ok stop your silly questions, most somalis live outside of mogadishu and couldnt give too fucks about some tribe there. yes hawiye went apeshit on you like he did other tribes but no one hates you which you think. madhibaans and Madows get a million times more racism than your people.
Why are my questions silly? Ethnic Somalis told my dad reer xamar need to go back to where they came from.
oooh, sorry i didnt know about that part.:lolbron:
i guess he needs to go the f*ck back to the middle east then:kodaksmiley::camby:wtf is shaanshiyo anyway it sounds like a name for an insect:chrisfreshhah::drakelaugh:
My family left Somalia way back in 1991. Dont talk about my tribe you ass adoon. Honestly Shanshiyo sounds like a food or clothing article you low IQ baboon. What's special ed like?
My family left Somalia way back in 1991. Dont talk about my tribe you ass adoon. Honestly Shanshiyo sounds like a food or clothing article you low IQ baboon. What's special ed like?


i have the highest iq here in SS at 69.5


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
They are bakhti bakhti dhalay. Ungrateful gypsies. Somalis welcomed them with open arms but they never integrated and segregate themselves, even in the West, from other Somalis. I always see them walking in packs in my town.
They are bakhti bakhti dhalay. Ungrateful gypsies. Somalis welcomed them with open arms but they never integrated and segregate themselves, even in the West, from other Somalis. I always see them walking in packs in my town.
bro they are generally very wadani actually. also grew up with many and never seen them segregate, maybe that happens when in bigger numbers.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
bro they are generally very wadani actually. also grew up with many and never seen them segregate, maybe that happens when in bigger numbers.

That's the old school guard. They are very wadani and rageedi. I am talking about the younger jiljileec s
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